Protein Pancakes: 3 Recipes For Protein Pancakes – With & Without Whey


Sugar and flour have been exchanged in our fitness pancakes for ingredients suitable for six-packs, such as whey, oatmeal, and low-fat quark.

The sight of golden brown, warm pancakes makes your mouth water. Unfortunately, classic pancakes are anything but healthy. After all, they mainly consist of white flour and sugar. The good news: With a few small changes, pancakes have become the right fitness food with few calories and more protein and healthy carbs.


Healthy Ingredients For Protein Pancakes

Flour can be replaced with protein powder or oatmeal and low-fat quark without any problems, without affecting the taste. Of course, you can also buy a ready-to-use mix for protein pancakes  – it’s uncomplicated and saves time. Unfortunately, the products are often not cheap, and the list of ingredients often includes flavors and sweeteners that your body can do without.

If you mix your pancake batter yourself, on the other hand, you know exactly what is in it and can vary it every day, depending on what you are hungry for and what you have at home.

Partner offer: protein powder with collagen. The new dietary supplement “Triple Perform” strengthens the tendons and muscles of athletes by using the protein collagen. A good supply of collagen can increase performance and help with regeneration. 

Which Protein Powder Is Suitable For Pancakes?

If you want to bake with protein powder, you can use normal whey protein or, of course, vegan protein powder based on peas, hemp & Co. Which flavor? Varieties such as vanilla or cinnamon, which give your pancakes a delicious taste, are ideal. A whey powder with a chocolate flavor is, of course, perfect for chocolate pancakes.

What Goes Well With Pancakes?

While classic pancakes are doused with maple syrup or other sticky sauces, healthy alternatives such as fruit (for example, berries) and nuts, which provide a crunchy crunch, also taste good. In addition to being pleasantly sweet, fresh or frozen fruits also provide important vitamins.

Nuts and nut butter contain many healthy unsaturated fatty acids and are therefore ideal as a pancake topping. You can use classic peanut butter or almond butter. Our tip: If you like it exotic, try the “Just Nuts” cashew butter with coconut from foodspring and combine it with the pancakes with banana and desiccated coconut – great!

Protein Pancakes: 3 Recipe Ideas For Athletes

There are many recipes for protein-rich pancakes online. But which ones taste good? These here – and they’re super simple too. Everyone gets them baked:

Fluffy Whey Pancakes Without Sugar

Ingredients for 8 pieces:

  • 5 egg whites (or use this liquid egg white )
  • 75 g of oatmeal
  • 25 g whey protein powder
  • 90 g low-fat quark
  • 50 g erythritol 
  • 1 teaspoon Baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 banana (or other fruit of your choice)
  • 4 teaspoons of peanut butter


  1. Using a hand mixer, whisk all of the ingredients together in a bowl. It is best to use tender oat flakes; this will make the dough more even. 
  2. Then put the dough in small portions (1 tbsp) in a heated pan with a little oil ( such oil sprayers are ideal here) and bake evenly on both sides on a low level, done.
  3. Brush each pancake with a little peanut butter, top with banana slices, and enjoy.

Protein Pancakes With Banana

Ingredients for a large serving:

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 4 eggs
  • 30 grams of whey protein 
  • Desiccated coconut
  • Oil for frying
  • If you like: a dash of milk, fresh fruit


  1. Mash the banana with a fork and mix with the whey and eggs until an even batter is formed. If the dough is relatively firm, a dash of milk can be added.
  2. Put the batter in a hot pan and sprinkle desiccated coconut over it. The pancake can be turned as soon as the dough is firmer and the underside is slightly brown.
  3. Depending on your preference, the pancake can also be pepped up with desiccated coconut and fresh fruit.

Recipe For Protein Pancakes (Without Whey)

Ingredients for one serving:

  • 50 g of tender oat flakes
  • 200 g low-fat quark
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • Oil for frying
  • as desired: fruits, fruit puree, desiccated coconut


  1. Mix the oat flakes with the quark, egg, and cinnamon to a smooth mixture. If the dough is still a little too firm, you can add a dash of milk.
  2. Depending on the size of the pan, one large or two smaller pancakes can be baked evenly.
  3. Serve with fruits, fruit puree, or desiccated coconut.

You don’t have to buy expensive mixes to make protein pancakes yourself because the ingredients for healthy pancakes are part of the basic equipment of every athlete’s kitchen.


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