5 Reasons: Why Flaxseed Oil Is Healthy


Flaxseed oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils. As such, it is growing in popularity. This article can learn more about the calories, nutritional values, and health benefits of flaxseed oil.

Anyone looking for a healthy oil in the supermarket runs the risk of being overwhelmed by the wide range of oils. There seems to be a separate oil for almost every oil plant, nut, kernel or seed type: It is challenging to choose a suitable lubricant.

If you are looking for a healthy oil for cold dishes and salad dressings, you might like linseed oil. With 884 kilocalories per 100 grams and 99.8 grams of fat, linseed oil tastes pleasantly mild and scores with numerous health benefits. Find out why linseed oil is healthy here.

It Is Rich In Valuable Omega-3 Fatty Acids

What makes linseed oil healthy is that it contains around 70 percent of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most of these fatty acids are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA belongs to the group of vegetable omega-3 fatty acids. If you are looking for a good source of ALA, you have come to the right place with linseed oil. In the body, ALA serves, among other things, as a starting point for the synthesis of the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA .

The body can only produce small amounts of EPA and DHA from ALA. It is therefore essential to get enough EPA and DHA directly from food. EPA and DHA are found primarily in high-fat sea fish and some types of algae.

If you rarely eat fish or do not take an omega-3 supplement, you should make sure that you consume enough ALA-rich foods such as flaxseed and flaxseed oil. In this way, a small proportion of EPA and DHA can be produced in the body itself .

According to the German Nutrition Society, around 0.5 percent of daily energy should be covered by omega-3 fatty acids . The American Institute of Health recommends a daily intake of 1.1 grams for women and 1.6 grams for men .

Unfortunately, the high ALA content of linseed oil is also responsible for the fact that linseed oil oxidizes quickly and thus becomes rancid. For this reason, if you want to keep your linseed oil fresh and, above all, healthy, you should pay attention to the correct storage and use of linseed oil.

100 grams of linseed oil has 884 calories. Here you will find an overview of the essential nutritional values of 100 grams of linseed oil : 

linseed oil  per 100 grams
Calories 884 kcal
Saturated fat 9.98 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 67.10 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 19.20 g


Linseed oil is an excellent source of the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. An average of 1.5 grams of it should be consumed daily.

It May Have Positive Effects On Heart Health

Studies show that flaxseed oil can have a positive effect on heart health. One tablespoon of linseed oil per day significantly lowered the blood pressure of study participants with elevated blood lipid levels. In their study, the scientists compared linseed oil with sunflower oil. In contrast, no positive effect could be found with sunflower oil .

Linseed oil and sunflower oil differ significantly in their content of omega-3 fatty acids. While linseed oil contains plenty of essential omega-3 fatty acids, sunflower oil does not provide these fatty acids.

Flaxseed oil is also healthy because it can support vascular health by maintaining the mobility of the vascular walls. With increasing age, the less elastic vessel walls play a decisive role in developing high blood pressure. Those who manage to support normal blood pressure with a healthy diet and lifestyle can counteract the development of coronary heart disease .


Linseed oil is good for heart health as it supports vascular elasticity. This plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Can Counteract Inflammation

Thanks to its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, linseed oil has anti-inflammatory properties that make linseed oil healthy.

The omega-3 fatty acids in rats reduced pro-inflammatory genes’ activity and decreased inflammatory marker CRP levels .

In humans, an anti-inflammatory effect of linseed oil can only be demonstrated in overweight people since the body has to struggle with increased inflammatory processes due to being overweight .

In addition to being overweight, age is also a factor in increased inflammation levels. For this reason, linseed oil also seems to be effective against inflammation in the elderly.


Linseed oil can reduce inflammation in people who are overweight and old.

Can Help With Digestive Problems

If you often have to go to the toilet urgently but cannot, you may find linseed oil a healthy alternative to laxative medication, without any side effects.

An animal study observed that linseed oil both stimulates bowel movements and protects against diarrhoea .

This effect could also be confirmed in humans. After taking flaxseed oil every day, study participants reported more regular toilet visits and improved stool consistency. However, this study was carried out on dialysis patients . For this reason, the observations cannot be transferred to healthy people. More studies are necessary to be able to make a clear statement in this regard.


Initial evidence suggests that linseed oil can help normalize digestion. However, further studies are necessary for more precise statements.

Supports Healthy Skin

The consumption of linseed oil can have beneficial effects on the skin, as numerous studies suggest.

Over twelve weeks, 13 women supplemented their diet with linseed oil as part of a study. The result: the skin became softer and more moisturized. In addition, the participants’ skin showed increased resistance to skin irritation and redness .

Another study looked at the effects of linseed oil on mice suffering from dermatitis. Here lentil oil led to a reduction in redness and itching .


The consumption of linseed oil improves both the general condition of the skin and its resistance to external influences.

Tips For Preparing Linseed Oil

Unlike coconut or olive oil, lentil oil stays liquid in the refrigerator and can be used immediately if necessary.

Linseed oil should never be heated. Otherwise, it will lose its health-promoting properties. Linseed oil is best suited for preparing cold dishes, such as salad dressings or the morning . This breakfast combines high-protein quark with the healthy fatty acids in linseed oil. The body remains full for a long time and is also supplied with sufficient energy.

Knowledge To Take Away

What makes linseed oil healthy is that it is an excellent source of the polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which positively affects high blood pressure and improves the elasticity of the blood vessel walls.

Linseed oil can also counteract inflammatory processes in overweight people. Linseed oil can also reduce inflammatory reactions in the case of inflammatory skin diseases.

Due to its high sensitivity to light and heat, lined oil should be stored cold and never heated. That is why it is particularly suitable for cold dishes. Linseed oil has 884 calories per 100 grams.


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