Bye-Bye Belly Fat: 7 Tips On How To Lose Belly Fat With Swimming


Swimming gently trains your body and can help you declare war on those pesky bacon rolls. With a few tricks, however, you can make your swimming training even more efficient.

If you want to lose weight with the help of sport, you probably first think of long runs or sweaty units in the gym. But especially with these summer temperatures, you should perhaps resort to another discipline.

Because you can achieve first-class results while swimming and gently help your body to top shape. 

Swimming: The Gentle Weight-Loss Method

Swimming isn’t just a great way to cool off on a hot day. You can also declare war on your lifebuoys. 

The advantage: You can burn just as many calories while swimming as when running. But without the constant impact on the asphalt, which often leads to injuries.

Whether you’re swimming to lose belly fat, increase muscle strength, or improve with your workout, these tricks will help you get the best results. 

Start Slowly

Are you new to swimming and don’t know how to start? No problem! Just start with crisp units of 15 to 20 minutes every other day.

Then gradually increase until you get to half an hour. Depending on your level, you should aim for a maximum of five swimming units per week.

If you overwhelm your body with too much intensity right from the start, sore muscles and fatigue can demotivate you. 

Take A Swimming Course

Swimming with the right stroke technique can make your workout more comfortable and help you increase your pace. You can also see which of the different swimming styles appeals to you the most and is a lot of fun for you. 

Swim Four To Five Days A Week

There is one rule for losing weight: the more active you are, the better! Dehalb: Off to the pool with you – as often as possible.

“For the best results, you should also do four to five training sessions a week when swimming,” explains personal trainer Jamie Hickey to the ‘Healthline portal.

Increase Your Heart Rate

Swimming is particularly challenging for your body if you are just new to training. If you improve your style and swim more efficiently, your heart rate will not increase as much. 

If you find it easy to do your usual lengths, swim faster to keep your heart rate high. Use a waterproof fitness tracker to monitor your efforts. 

Your target heart rate should be around 50 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate at moderate intensity. To get your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. 

No Routine

If you always swim at the same speed and always use the same technique, your body will eventually reach a performance plateau – this must be prevented. 

Leaving your comfort zone and changing your routine not only increases your heart rate, it’s also a great way to use different muscle groups for better results. 

Swim Before Breakfast

A morning swim session is undoubtedly not feasible for everyone. However, you should take a dip in the pool before starting work if you have the opportunity. 

“If you wake up in the morning and go swimming, your body will quickly use the fat reserves as a source of energy,” explains trainer Nick Rizzo. 

Adjust Your Diet

As with any other sport, you need a calorie deficit if you want to reduce body fat. So you have to eat fewer calories than you burn.

“When swimming, you have to be careful with the deficit,” says personal trainer Keith McNiven. “The training burns a lot of energy that you have to put back into your body. In addition, cold water can increase your appetite considerably. “

If you tend to be constantly hungry, plan your meal with plenty of green vegetables and high-fiber foods. After training, it can also be a protein shake.


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