8 Positive Attitudes For Your Self-Esteem And Mental Health


Who doesn’t like to feel beautiful, right? Few sensations are as good as being at ease with our body, appearance, and what we are. So let’s talk about self-esteem and mental health. 

It’s not easy to care for mental health in a pandemic. However, developing strategies to maintain our self-esteem and well-being is important. 

First, we need to define what self-esteem is. It goes far beyond our assessment of what we see in the mirror. 

It is a positive or negative assessment that the person makes of himself and involves various areas of life, such as emotions, behaviors, beliefs, and even actions. 

The value that a person gives to himself is extremely important, as it is fundamental for physical and mental well-being and is reflected in every aspect of life. 

Importance Of Self-Esteem And Mental Health

The perception of ourselves based on our way of acting and thinking generates feelings of self-criticism, self-censorship, narcissism, selfishness and inferiority, and superiority. 

Self-esteem is related to variables that directly affect psychological well-being. A person with low self-esteem is more likely to feel inferior. 

This context can trigger emotional problems, anxiety disorders, and, consequently, the worsening of symptoms that can lead to a disease such as depression. 

All of this directly influences our well-being, our experiences, and our quality of life. How we see ourselves greatly impacts the most diverse personal, relational, and professional areas. 

So let’s give some important attitude tips to maintain good self-esteem and mental health. 

Attitudes To Increase Self-Esteem And Improve Mental Health

Build Your Self-Confidence

Self-confidence has much to do with a positive attitude toward one’s ability and performance. This includes the conviction that you can do something and do it well. It generates the idea that one can achieve some goal and endure difficulties. 

A tip for building good self-confidence is to set objectives and, of course, achievable goals. We understand that we are capable and achievers whenever we reach a goal, even if simple or small. 

Don’t Be So Demanding Of Yourself

Accept that there is a limit to what you can and should demand of yourself. Be compassionate. How many other people’s mistakes have you forgiven and still fail to look at yourself with the same affection and patience? 

Be honest with yourself. Be aware of your weaknesses and skills, so it will be easier to know what to expect from your performance and understand where you can invest for your growth. 

A person who demands too much of themselves can carry a lot of guilt. Forgiving yourself is part of the process of developing good self-esteem. Escape the guilt and learn to forgive yourself!

You must own up to mistakes but learn to identify only those that happened and are your responsibility. If it was your mistake, take the blame, fix what is possible, and move on! 

Remember And Record Your Qualities

How much time do we spend thinking about our flaws, and how much time do we spend reflecting on our qualities and successes? 

When your self-esteem is low, do you spend much time reflecting on your mistakes? How about in these moments remembering your successes and qualities? 

You can use a notebook or some other way to record what you like about yourself. At this moment, no negative thoughts, just qualities. 

Whenever moments of low self-esteem come, read these records. You’re too focused on your flaws if you can’t write many positive things about yourself. 

In that case, a good alternative is to talk to someone who knows you well and likes you. Ask about your strengths and what this person admires about your personality, taste, and appearance. 

Celebrate Wins, Even Small Ones

If you don’t vibrate with the small victories, you won’t know how to celebrate the big ones. Learn to look at the events of your life positively and see beyond each situation. 

Every day we face challenges, suffer losses and also achieve goals. Only by looking with affection and attention at each moment will we know how to give due value to what we have achieved. 

Each new goal reached can be a positive impulse to bring you to a balance of your physical and mental health.  

Accept Your Limitations

We all have limitations. Do you have difficulty accepting yours? Because they don’t know themselves well, some people end up constantly comparing themselves with others and feeling that they are always a “step behind.” 

You don’t have to have the same qualities and limitations as others. Avoiding comparisons is the first step towards accepting yourself, loving yourself, and learning to love and value others. 

Lying to yourself is also a big problem related to non-acceptance and low self-esteem. 

Embrace your weaknesses and strengths, always maintaining a balance of mind regarding each one. Escape from narcissism and excessive self-criticism. 

Learn To Say No

Saying no may sound easy, but it’s a big challenge. The question arises: “What or who should I say no to”? 

Knowing which opportunities and proposals deserve a yes or a no is necessary to know yourself well. 

Understand where you want to go and your goals, dreams, and desires. From this point, say yes to what is good for you and makes you grow. 

Set Attainable Goals

When you have unattainable goals and targets, you will likely be frustrated by not achieving what you expect. Trust yourself, but always understand where you want and can get. 

Another important tip is to divide a big goal into small steps. That way, you’ll get where you want to be, but you’ll do it gradually, maturing and improving your performance.

Set Aside Time For An Activity That Provides Pleasure

Lack of physical exercise or imbalance in food can lead to emotional problems. Take time to do what you like and what gets you moving; it helps with emotional health.  

Physical activities are strong allies in combating depression and keeping the body healthy and strong. 

Identify your hobbies and, even when you are busy, take time to practice them. Read a good book, invest in good friendships, spend time with your family, and enjoy all life offers!

Also Read: Slow Metabolism: 5 Habits That Slow Down Your Calorie Burn

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