9 Self-Care Tips For Surviving The Corona Crisis


Instead of stressing yourself out in times of crisis with a tighter workout schedule or a diet, it is better to focus on self-compassion and mindfulness. Here are nine tips for good emotional health.

The Corona crisis poses unexpected challenges for many people – above all, mentally, quite a few suffer from social isolation and a ban on contact.

Here are some nine valuable self care tips for more mindfulness that will help to overcome the corona crisis.

Take The Pressure Off

The current situation is unprecedented and unfamiliar to everyone. It is expected that everyday life and emotional state are more like chaos.

Nobody expects you to be particularly productive right now and use that extra “free time” to become the much-cited best version of yourself. A lot is going on in terms of energy – that makes you tired and robs you of your drive. 

Instead of self-criticism, it is more helpful to be patient with yourself and not put yourself under pressure.

Talking openly about feelings and supposed weaknesses also clarify that everyone has the same concerns.

Be Wary Of Social Media

On Instagram and Co., it often seems that the whole world has its life under control despite the Corona crisis, does even more sport than usual, and renovates the apartment. At the same time, you sneak around the fridge at lunchtime – still in your pajamas.

It helps to keep reminding yourself that you only see a short, filtered excerpt of everyday life on social media. And that the person you’re following might be making money by making their life a little more glamorous than it is.

There is an unfollow button for all accounts that make you feel uneasy. Right now, you can be selective and put together a pure feel-good feed.

Leave The House In The Morning – Even Without A Destination

Even if the commute to work is currently canceled for many, a lap in the fresh air can positively affect the whole day. If you like jogging, it’s easy.

Everyone else can pretend to go to work – and walk around the neighborhood.

Those who sleep badly benefit from this in particular. Morning sun helps calibrate your internal clock and release sleep hormones in the evening. Vitamin D also strengthens the immune system and lifts the mood.

Highlight The Positive

Fear, being overwhelmed, or sad are entirely normal emotions right now. Even if you are doing well compared to others, that’s why whining and being frustrated are allowed. However, one should be careful to let the positive outweigh the negative.

A simple but effective exercise is to keep a positive list twice a day. It only takes five minutes each time.

To do this, write down five small moments of happiness in the morning that you can look forward to during the day. In the evening, write down five things you are grateful for.

This puts the perspective straight, and you perceive the small joys in everyday life again.

Plan For Self-Care

Thanks to working from home, many can currently put on their face masks while answering emails. But that’s not nearly as relaxing as taking a conscious break.

Whether living alone or incomplete family chaos, me-time should be at least once a day. Even if it’s only ten undisturbed minutes in the bathroom.

Self-care deserves a spot on the to-do list and calendar because it helps you find your inner center right now.

A tip for switching to relaxation mode faster: rely on scents. The sense of smell is very closely linked to emotions and memories.

With a scented candle, essential oils ( orange oil has a mood-enhancing effect), or palo-santo wood, you can quickly transport yourself from stress to zen.

Focus On The Here And Now

Right now, most people have to deal with uncertainty and change. You can quickly fall into brooding.

Instead, focusing on what is with mindfulness practices is calming. To stop the merry-go-round, count backward from a hundred in increments of three.

Or ask yourself: What are five things I see, four things I hear, three things I feel, two things I smell, and one thing I taste right now? 

Also good: Several times a day, take a few deep breaths with your eyes closed and repeat a mantra, such as: “It’s okay the way it is now.”

Celebrating Virtual Togetherness

These weeks of social isolation are lonely, especially for those living alone. A lack of social contacts quickly hurts mental health.

With a bit of creativity, a feeling of connectedness can also be created over a distance. Video calling sure isn’t a hot tip anymore. But sometimes there is nothing to tell – and you still long for company.

Then you can “sit down” with friends and family via video on your laptop or smartphone while you work, cook, paint or read something.

You can also spend the lunch break virtually or go for a walk together. The more activities you spend together effectively, the more normal the isolation feels.

A Movement That Is Good For You

Combining a morning walk with a workout is doubly good for the quarantine mood. But the same applies here: take the pressure off.

Intense workouts are stressful for the body, even if you feel good doing it. Combined with psychological stress, this can be exhausting and even disrupt the hormonal balance in women.

Cardio training once or twice a week supplemented with gentler workouts such as yoga and Pilates are a good combination for stressed people.

The most important thing: listen to your own body and don’t let yourself be put under pressure by the workload of others.

Diet, No Thanks!

Eating healthy can be particularly challenging right now. With constant access to the fridge and more boredom than usual, you quickly become a permanent snacker.

Therefore, you should take the pressure off the diet. These times are hard enough to enjoy your food in peace, and you shouldn’t criticize yourself.

Instead of cutting out foods and reducing calories, paying attention to which healthy foods you can supplement is better.

Not only does this feel more pleasurable, but it also helps the body produce feel-good hormones and stabilize blood sugar to avoid mood swings.

Always good additions: add more nuts and seeds to muesli, eat full-fat yogurt instead of low-fat, olive oil and avocado with pasta or salad, extra vegetables on pizza, eggs or salmon with sandwiches.


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