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Quality Of Life: Physical Activity Combined With Food

We live in a world where everyone wants a famous quality of life. It is more than well-established that a balance between physical activity and proper nutrition is necessary for us to be healthy.

However, as much as people desire to have a healthy life, little is done to have health and well-being, which makes this desire almost utopian.

The justifications include lack of time, greater convenience in consuming industrialized products, not liking to train, etc. However, we must be aware that when we practice physical exercise, have a physically active life and have a healthy diet; we are practicing health!

Excess consumption of foods rich in sodium, dyes, sugars and preservatives, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, is largely responsible for various diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol. And these factors, when associated with a family history, make the person even more susceptible to these diseases.

So we have, in these two variables, the solution for a healthier life, preventing and helping to control diseases.

This guide will help you realize the importance of practicing physical activity and better selecting your foods to seek balance and a healthier lifestyle.

The Importance Of Nutrition In Physical Activity

It is very common for people to associate good physical shape only with physical exercise. But the truth is that good physical shape and health are associated with physical exercise and good eating habits.

With a food plan suited to your needs, we provide your body with the energy needed to carry out your daily tasks and meet the energy needs of physical exercise. 

Healthy Eating And Physical Exercise For Quality Of Life

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), for a good quality of life, we ​​must be physically active, which, when quantified in numbers, revolves around 150 minutes of weekly physical exercises. These minutes can be distributed conveniently to the practitioner.

But the most important thing is to have an active life. It is of little use to exercise for an hour a day and spend a large part of your daily routine in a sedentary way. That is, climb stairs instead of taking the elevator and go to the bakery on foot instead of going by car. Make your day more active!

On the other hand, we have food. It is customary for people to worry about what they will eat before and after training and “forget” about other meals. To have a good quality of life, we need to maintain a balance between energy sources at every meal and every day of the week.

It’s practically impossible to keep yourself regulated at all times, but it’s important to point out that we result from our habits. Therefore, if we have healthy habits, we will be healthy people.

Below we separate some tips for consuming energy before, during and after your workout so that your results are more efficient and you can provide the energy with your body needs.

Assembling A Healthy Diet For Physical Activity

The nutritionist is the only professional able to describe what we should properly or should not eat and the appropriate amounts. However, there is some consensus regarding healthy habits that if we put them into practice, we will already greatly improve our health.

Remember that just like training, the food plan, for better efficiency, must be individualized. Thus, the results are more effective and in a shorter time. One more justification for those generic diets is that everyone does produce an accordion effect or has no effect. We all have different needs and must respect our bodies and their limits.

How Should You Eat Before Exercising?

The most appropriate diet before physical exercise must contain enough substrates to be an alternative energy source. That is, having the energy to maintain the training intensity level. Thus, these stored sources will cause the reserves to be preserved, resulting in increased blood flow.

Physical exercise is a very intense activity for our body and demands a very high energy expenditure. That is why it is necessary that before the activity, we ingest a significant amount of carbohydrates. Thus, the body has support to maintain caloric burning using fat as an energy substrate, as more oxygen will be available.

We should not exaggerate the number of carbohydrates since we can divert the blood flow to the intestine (for digestion purposes), which can lead to a drop in exercise performance. Some foods like rice, lentils, beans and pasta are rich sources of carbohydrates.

Also Read: Physical Activity And Dehydration: Tips For Replenishing Fluids Correctly

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