Caution! This Is Why Your Hair Is Breaking Off


Your hair is brittle, and you don’t know what to do about it? We’ll tell you the most common reasons for hair breakage, and what helps when the hair breaks off. Shiny and healthy hair right down to the tips – that’s what many of us dream of. Unfortunately, the reality is often different. Our hair is affected by frequent coloring or improper styling. The result is often brittle hair, frizz, and split ends. In the worst case, the hair will break off.

To combat hair breakage at the roots, the back of the head, or at the ends of the hair, it is first essential to know why the hair breaks off. Then you can take appropriate countermeasures and eliminate the problem.

Here are the most common causes of hair breakage and what works against them.

Hair Is Breaking Off: Reason 1 Coloring

Hair coloring is the number 1 cause of hair breakage, as the chemicals used put a lot of strain on the hair. The best tip to prevent your hair from breaking off is to dye it less often, allowing the hair time to regenerate.

Care For Brittle Colored Hair

If you do not want to do without coloring your hair and use color regularly, you must strengthen your hair structure over the long term. Use hair treatments or hair masks and conditioners with every wash once a week. Primarily if you bleach your hair regularly, you should provide it with enough moisture.

A natural alternative to chemical products is coconut oil for your hair. It nourishes the hair, supplies it with moisture, and helps keep it from breaking off.

Hair Is Breaking Off: Reason 2 Washing

It will dry out faster and become brittle if you wash your hair too often. The result can be hair breakage. If you have a slightly greasy approach, it is better to use dry shampoo to extend until washing.

When washing your hair, be sure to shampoo only the roots. When rinsing, hair lengths and tips are cleaned sufficiently. On the other hand, conditioners and hair treatments should only be worked into the lengths and ends of the hair, as they can strain the scalp. It uses therapeutic shampoos and conditioners for hair breakage, which provide the hair with nutrients and moisture.

Extra Tip: Be careful not to rub your hair with a towel after washing. Because the rough fabric can further damage the already damaged hair structure, the consequences can be hair breakage and split ends.

Instead, wrap your wet hair in a soft microfiber towel and use it to tie a turban that is not too tight. The extra soft towel is gentle on the hair and soaks up the water well.

Hair Ends Are Breaking Off: Reason  3 Comb

Another common reason for hair to break off is improper combing. Many make the mistake of combing their wet hair right after washing it. This can result in hair breakage because the hair is much more sensitive when damp and breaks off more quickly.

Before you comb your hair, you should let it dry. If you are in a hurry, apply a leave-in conditioner to towel-dried hair before combing it. This makes it easier to search and prevents the hair from pulling out and breaking off.

The wrong brush can also cause hair to break off. Be sure to use a good quality brush with intact bristles. Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for fine, damaged hair that tends to break off. Wide paddle brushes are an excellent choice for straight, brittle hair.


Hair Is Breaking Off: Reason 4 Blow Drying

Another reason for hair breakage is regular blow-drying, as the hot air dries out the hair and makes it brittle. To avoid hair breakage, you should first let your hair air dry after washing or blow-dry it with cold water and only then set a higher temperature.

Make sure that the hairdryer is never set too hot. And: To protect your hair, you should always (!) Apply heat protection to your hair before blow-drying.

But not only blow-drying damages your hair, but straightening can also lead to dry and brittle hair. If your hair breaks off, you should refrain from regular straightening and give your damaged hair a break.

If you don’t want to do without it, be sure to give heat protection to your hair and don’t straighten it too hot. It is best to set your straightener no hotter than 180 degrees. You should also slowly straighten it strand by strand. Many think it is gentler to use the straightening iron only briefly and several times. But that is a fallacy.

Hair Breaking Off: Reason  5 To Cut Hair

To help your hair stay permanently healthy, you should regularly get your haircut. On the Silber cut, you should buy better without. Because blunt scissors are often used, which destroy the hair, and favor split ends. And: the more split ends you have in the ends of your hair, the greater the risk that your hair will break.

Regular tip cutting at the hairdressers prevents hair breakage and makes your hair look significantly healthier.

Hair Is Breaking Off: Reason  6 Wrong Hairstyle

Another common reason for hair breakage at the back of the head is the wrong hairstyle. Very strict hairstyles, such as a tight bun or ponytail, ensure tension on the hair. If loose hair is annoying to you, make sure to tie a braid or ponytail as loosely as possible.

You should put the ponytail higher up if you have long hair, so your tips don’t keep rubbing against your clothes. Because due to the constant friction, the ends of the hair can break off.

A loose bun, also called a messy bun, is a gentle hairstyle. However, it would be best not to use rough hair pins to hold your bun in place. Because these damage the hair structure and your scalp.

And very important: use the right hair tie! Frequently, hair accessories are the culprit when hair breaks on the back of the head. Hair ties with metal parts or rough hair clips are particularly harmful to the hair. Better to use wide fabric or velvet hair ties.


Hair Is Breaking Off At The Back Of Your Head: Reason  7 Sleeping

Do you know that: you wake up in the morning, and the pillow is full of hair? The reason is nightly hair loss and hair breakage on the back of the head. Often the wrong hairstyle while sleeping or too rough bed linen is behind the problem. Those who go to bed with wet hair also risk breaking off.

Against Hair Breakage: The Best Hairstyles For Sleeping

For straight hair, loose (!) Braided hairstyles are particularly suitable. If you sleep on your back and you have long enough hair, you can tie it into a loose bun with a soft, wide hair tie made of fabric. For the curly heads among you, twists are particularly suitable, in which you twist the hair on the top of your head into two buns.

Does Hair Break Off At The Back Of Your Head? Bed Linen Can Be To Blame

Your bed linen can also cause hair breakage. A rather rough pillowcase can roughen the hair structure at night and thus cause split ends. Particularly coarse fabrics made of linen are an ordeal for your hair.

A cheap and straightforward solution is microfiber towels that you place on your pillow. These are exceptionally soft and protect the hair structure. If you can and want to spend more money, you should grab microfiber bedding right away.

Silk Pillows Against Hair Breakage

An absolute insider tip that many Asian women with fantastic hair swear by a pillowcase made of silk. Silk is considered the most hair-friendly material because the extremely smooth fibers do not roughen the hair.

Hair Breaks Off: Reason  8 Nutritional Deficiency

If the hair is falling out or breaking off, it can also be due to a lack of nutrients. A blood analysis by the doctor can provide information about which vitamins and minerals are lacking.

If you want to do something for your hair growth beforehand, you can use over-the-counter vitamin preparations or ask the hairdresser for a special regeneration treatment.

Keratin Treatment, When The Hair Breaks Off

Our hair and our nails and skin consist mainly of keratin. Keratins make the hair elastic and more durable. If the hair breaks off, a keratin cut at the hairdresser’s can be a way to build it up from the inside out.

Vitamin Cure Against Hair Breakage

It also includes B vitamins and vitamin C. and biotin, which are essential for healthy hair growth. Fresh fruits and vegetables are some of the most important sources of vitamin C. B vitamins are mainly found in animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and milk. But pulses and whole grain products also contain B vitamins. Vitamin B12 occurs naturally only in animal products. If you follow a vegan diet, you can use vitamin B12 food supplements.

Hair Vitamin Biotin

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is considered the hair vitamin par excellence. It occurs naturally in eggs, nuts, oatmeal, or liver. A biotin deficiency can lead to brittle nails, brittle hair, and hair loss, among other things. If you suffer from hair breakage and want to replenish your biotin stores, you can use particular hair vitamins.

Silicon For Beautiful Hair

Silica contains the trace element silicon, which is extremely important for a healthy hair structure. Silicon is found in many plant foods. An exceptionally high proportion of silicon is found in oats, barley, and millet. Of all fruits, bananas contain the most silicon.

As you can see, there are numerous reasons for brittle and brittle hair. But there are also solutions. If you take our tips into account, you can prevent your hair from breaking off in the future.

One Last Important Thing: 

The subject of hair care is always very individual. Only you can judge whether the tips or products presented by us work for you. If you have persistent hair or scalp problems, it may be advisable to see a skin specialist.


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