Cinnamon: The Anti-Fat Spice


Losing weight with cinnamon – actually works, thanks to its ingredients. Here you will find out everything you need to know about the miracle spice to use it skillfully.

As one of the oldest known spices, cinnamon is still a favorite among spices. And cinnamon is no longer only found in Germans’ spice cabinets at Christmas time.

The cinnamon bark impresses with its delicious aroma and provides you with these four great health benefits at the same time.

  • Cinnamon contains fiber, which helps promote healthy digestion.
  • The spice contains a high number of antioxidants that prevent oxidative stress.
  • The tangy cinnamon bark is excellent for potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium.
  • The essential oils of the cinnamon bark have an anti-inflammatory effect and have a relaxing effect on the intestinal muscles. 

Lose Weight Easily With Cinnamon

Simply slim while eating with cinnamon – can that work? The sweet spice helps: cinnamon contains phytochemicals that can lower blood sugar levels, increasing fat burning.

In a US study, the scientists were also able to impressively demonstrate that taking 1 gram of cinnamon per day reduced blood sugar levels by around 30 percent.

In the meantime, the effectiveness of cinnamon has been proven by various national studies. Cinnamon is good for type 2 diabetics, who are typically overweight. 

Cinnamon helps you lose weight As an improved insulin effect and lower insulin resistance are important prerequisites for optimal fat reduction. 

Cinnamon seems to improve the effect of insulin on the cells and thus optimize blood sugar regulation. In addition, cinnamon significantly lowers blood lipid levels. You have to eat at least 1 gram of cinnamon a day for the fat killer effect – that’s half a teaspoon.

Origin & Interesting Facts

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices globally, which is said to have been produced as early as 3000 BC. It was used in China and has found its way into Europe since the 14th century.

Cinnamon became known, among other things, through the Chai tea of ​​the Indians, who, due to the positive effects of the spice, advise drinking tea with cinnamon regularly. It used to be considered a treasure – and only the affluent population could afford cinnamon.

The thin inner layer between the bark and the middle bark of the cinnamon tree rolls up into a tube-like cinnamon stick (or cinnamon stick) when separated from the wood.

Cinnamon: Worth Knowing

High-quality cinnamon can be found in supermarkets for as little as € 3 per 100 grams. It is best only to buy small amounts of cinnamon powder, as the aroma disappears quickly. If you use cinnamon sticks, you can store them longer.

Although the spice contains around 240 calories per 100 grams, even with generous cinnamon, no more than 5 calories end up on the plate.

Remember that cinnamon can be used in many ways: Cinnamon goes ideally with light desserts such as compotes, fruit salads, or quark dishes, but also with heartier dishes. 

In oriental cuisine, spices such as cinnamon refine meat and vegetable dishes. The spice also goes well with other flavorings:  ginger and cardamom, for example.

Cinnamon Tarts: Sometimes Sweet, Sometimes Hotter 

Cinnamon is extracted from the bark of cinnamon trees. There are two types of these trees: One is used to extract the real Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) or cancel, which originally comes from Sri Lanka and is now grown in South and Southeast Asia, Madagascar, and Seychelles.

It is more fragrant and sweeter than the usually cheaper cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia). Originally from China, it can now also be found in Indonesia and Vietnam. Cassia cinnamon tastes stronger and hotter than Ceylon cinnamon.


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