Do You Have Trouble Sleeping? 7 Causes For The Problem


Some illnesses or health conditions cause difficulty sleeping as a side effect. Thus, a person in pain will easily face problems when sleeping.

Other times, insomnia is among the main symptoms of the disease. Among the prominent examples, we can mention mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.

There are still cases where difficulty sleeping is a side effect of the medicine that the patient needs to take. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease to get a good night’s sleep again.

However, most of the time, our difficulty sleeping is caused by our habits. We are going to talk about them in this article.

Our goal is to show you that when we change some of our attitudes, we can enjoy a good night’s sleep. See what these habits are:

Frequent Coffee Consumption

Caffeine is a drug with a stimulant effect . This means that it does not let the brain rest, even at the most appropriate time for it.

So while the culture says it’s okay to drink coffee, that doesn’t change the fact that it hurts your health, including difficulty sleeping.

Although coffee is the most consumed stimulant in the country, other beverages and food products also have this effect. We highlight several soft drinks: green, black, mate, or chocolate.

Alcohol Consumption

Perhaps this topic will confuse many people. After all, who has never seen a person drink and, due to the effect of alcohol, sleep? So how does alcohol consumption bring about difficulty sleeping?

Alcohol does not stop a person from sleeping. Including it brings a feeling of relaxation or even numbness and often facilitates the onset of sleep.

However, alcohol impairs the quality of sleep, which is no longer restorative. Interrupting the sleep cycle several times, especially the REM phase (the one where dreams happen), does not allow complete rest.

That’s why, the next day, those who consumed alcohol and slept generally feel more tired. Memory, mental alertness, and even physical activity don’t perform the same.

Another effect of alcohol is the reduction in the production of melatonin – a hormone that the body produces and induces the feeling of sleep. It even worsens conditions like sleep apnea.


Nowadays, we have access to many stimulating foods. Consuming sugar and all products containing this ingredient is one habit that impairs sleep.

To sleep well, it’s important to avoid them and, in addition, eat lighter meals as we approach the late afternoon and early evening.

For example, heavy meals, full of fatty foods, demand a lot from the organs that make digestion. The body mobilizes to process these foods, impairing sleep.

As sleep will only reach the necessary quality when the digestion process is reasonably finished, it is best not to eat at night and have the last meal in the late afternoon.

However, if you can only eat later due to work or studies, be aware of the menu at this time. Give preference to light foods without fat and proteins.

Lack Of Sleep Time

The body works in cycles. Some repeat after a few hours, others over 24 hours (circadian cycle), others every week (circaseptan), and even at the end of every 4 weeks, like the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, the body benefits from regularity. For the organism, it is important to wake up, eat and sleep at similar times without major variations.

If you don’t sleep simultaneously every day, the body will have difficulty triggering this function at the right time. Then, start practicing the discipline until he gets used to the habit.

Too Many Screens And Too Much Light

Our body was programmed to sleep. However, for this, he needs to receive the appropriate external signals. The main sign is sunlight.

So, when we lived in a more natural environment, it was our great regulator. We woke up when the sun came out, worked throughout the day, and our brains started to shut down after dusk.

With urban living and artificial lighting, all that has changed. We no longer have as much impact from the dimming as the house and city lights are still on. In addition, we have the constant stimulation of TV, computer, and smartphone screens.

To sleep well, we must show the brain the contrast between day and night. So, in the morning, as soon as you wake up, expose yourself to the sun for a few minutes. It’s an important signal to the brain.

In the evening, it’s time to do the opposite. Gradually darken the environments of the house, leaving only indirect light. Swapping screens for a book two hours before bed also helps a lot.

Exciting Games And Activities

Some activities put our body in an alert condition. Thus, they take away the feeling of relaxation and make it difficult to sleep in the following hours.

One of these activities is physical exercise. It brings numerous health benefits. However, it inevitably produces a state of excitement in the body, making it difficult to sleep.

So if you can only exercise after work, try to do it as early as possible, right after work. Upon arriving home, start a relaxation ritual to sleep better.

On the other hand, playing games at night (video games, for example) is a habit that has no health benefits and even impairs sleep. So avoid this fun at this time.


Worry is another problem that can disrupt sleep. After all, when a person puts his head on the pillow, a series of pending issues come to mind – from work activities to paying bills.

We can only sometimes avoid worries. After all, there are circumstances in life that require our commitment to a solution. These are problems we need to solve.

However, it is possible to develop strategies that facilitate the management of the concern. For some people, it’s writing down the next day’s tasks or topics that require attention.

If you realize that worry is among the main causes of your difficulty sleeping, look for a professional. In psychotherapy, you can learn to develop effective coping strategies.

Also Read: Sleep And Tiredness, Why Do They Increase In Spring?

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