Does Onion Make You Lose Weight? What’s True


Is it true that onions make you lose weight, or is this just an unsubstantiated statement? Why should you consume this vegetable, and what nutritional values ​​does it have? Is the onion a valuable diet for losing weight? Let’s find out everything there is to know about this topic.

Onions Make You Lose Weight: Truth Or Myth?

The Italian culinary tradition makes extensive use of onion, both cooked and included raw in various preparations. But what properties does this vegetable have, and how many calories does it contain? There are various types, from the red one to the white one, passing through the copper one, all of which have in common the presence of a good quantity of vitamins and mineral salts compared to a small number of calories.

Taking these characteristics into account, can we say that onions make you lose weight? This statement in itself needs to make more sense as weight loss depends on the balance between the amount of calories introduced and those spent by the body to carry out its vital functions. It, therefore, follows that, although this vegetable is actually considered low-calorie if the calories ingested exceed those burned, the body will tend to gain weight anyway.

The onion, however, stands out for its excellent organoleptic qualities (which make it a particularly appreciated ingredient in the kitchen), its versatility of use, and its nutritional values ​​, which are also compatible with the need to maintain a low-calorie diet.

Onions For Weight Loss: Why Include Them In Your Diet

Onion makes you gain or lose weight; therefore, it only does so in relation to the total number of calories introduced during the day, and like all foods, it doesn’t make you gain or get in shape.

Including onion in your diet, however, could be helpful as this vegetable is rich in vitamins and antioxidants and has a reduced caloric density: onions, in fact, contain only 28 calories per 100 grams. The onion contains a lot of water and has a fair amount of fructose, a sugar which, in addition to giving it a certain sweetness, gives it a mild energetic function.

Proteins and lipids are irrelevant, cholesterol is absent, and the total fiber content is relatively low (1g /100g). The most exciting aspect of this vegetable does not lie in the energetic nutrients but in the many molecules with phytotherapeutic and nutraceutical action contained in it, which have notable beneficial effects. For example, this vegetable can be helpful in lowering blood pressure and reducing the level of cholesterol and blood sugar in the body, two problems that often characterize overweight individuals.

The Nutritional Properties Of Onion

The onion in the diet can be considered in all respects as a precious ally, as, like many other vegetables, it contributes to increasing the sense of satiety without weighing you down or having too much of an impact on the daily energy balance. Furthermore, it is characterized by various beneficial properties for the organism, including:

  • Abundant presence of antioxidants, such as quercetin (especially in the more pigmented varieties such as the red onion of Tropea). This flavonoid can contribute to the optimal maintenance of blood cholesterol levels and act favorably on vascular health. Furthermore, onions also contain beta carotene, anthocyanins, and sulfur compounds such as sulphine and salicin, all potent antioxidants that help fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, thus carrying out a robust anti-tumor action ;
  • Adds to the upkeep of typical glucose levels. Therefore, it is a food recommended for all those who have diabetes;
  • It has an antibacterial valuable action for combating seasonal ailments, such as coughs and colds; some compounds present in onions can, in fact, help fight different strains of bacteria, including those associated with respiratory tract and digestive system infections;
  • It has a diuretic function, i.e., it stimulates the elimination of excess fluids.
  • It is a natural anti-cellulite ;
  • It is purifying and helps to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body;
  • Promotes digestion and improves intestinal transit; in fact, it is helpful for those suffering from constipation;
  • works on the nature of the gastrointestinal bacterial verdure ;
  • It has beneficial effects on cardiovascular health as it can contribute to the reduction of blood pressure and the improvement of vascular function ;
  • It is beneficial for the immune system due to its vitamin C content.
  • It is rich in mineral salts (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and selenium are the main ones) and vitamins; in particular, it abounds in vitamins C and B;
  • Reduces the chance of developing osteoporosis.

Onion for weight loss is a helpful food as, given the reduced amount of calories it contains, it performs numerous essential functions for the body. Furthermore, thanks to its purifying and diuretic action, it is effective in eliminating excess liquids and improving water retention.

How To Include Onion In Your Diet

Consuming strange concoctions based on water and onion to lose weight is useless if you aim to regain your ideal weight. It is much better to focus on the preparation of healthy, tasty, but low-calorie recipes based on this versatile vegetable present in the kitchen. It is straightforward to introduce onion into the diet as the Italian culinary tradition abounds with preparations that have this bulb as an ingredient, which can maintain its interesting, beneficial properties regardless of the variety used.

To make sure you fully exploit the nutrients present within the vegetable, it is advisable to include it raw in some preparation. For example, you can add thin slices of onion to a rich salad ( taking care to eliminate the rigid outer part), or you can cook a healthy and tasty side dish such as marinated onions, glazed onions, or baked au gratin onions.

To prepare marinated onions, wash the bulbs and immerse them in cold water for 15 minutes. After draining them, season them with salt, black pepper, a teaspoon of oil, and a tablespoon of red vinegar. Then, the onions are left to marinate for another 15 minutes; then, they are drained and used naturally or as an additional ingredient for salads or other types of preparations.

Also Read: Healthy Habits To Support Weight Loss Via Metformin

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