Eating Disorder: How To Avoid Entering This Cycle?


At times like Christmas and New Year, but even at others like Easter, birthdays, and various types of family celebrations, it is common for people to go overboard with food and overeat. Food works as the catalyst for a certain euphoria that manifests itself in these moments.

All this fuss and exaggeration around food can trigger a severe problem: eating disorders. And eating a lot can be accompanied by guilt. And so, you can start a cycle of excess – guilt – compulsion – frustration. And the search for a diet, a way to get the desired body, to lose weight, starts with an urgency that can take this goal to extreme situations as well. Research has already revealed: that not every diet leads to an eating disorder, but some diet causes every eating disorder.

Eating disorders can be defined as emotional conditions in which the person alters their relationship with food and how they perceive their body. Within these dysfunctional changes in eating behavior, some states have already been well defined from a clinical and scientific point of view, constituting well-established and validated categories worldwide.

Eating disorders can be the gateway to severe illnesses such as:


. Bulimia

.binge eating

. Obesity

The Main Eating Disorders

Everything we eat daily is linked to our lifestyle, biological and bodily, and even emotional characteristics.

At the end of the year, for example, grandma’s pecan pie, French toast made with a special family recipe, and the seasoning of Christmas turkey provide moments filled with memories and memories. But it is essential to be careful to avoid excesses.

There is an obesity pandemic, an eating disorder epidemic, and people who can have a good relationship with their bodies regardless of size. In general, how you perceive your body and your relationship with weight will depend on individual characteristics and the social and family context in which you are inserted. While some people have internalized the cult of thinness, others are not affected by these physical factors. We know that the most vulnerable group is women, usually younger, who already have a history of weight problems and link their constant maintenance as a personal value”.

And adds:

Some eating disorders are still being validated as a diagnostic category, but they are already in the classification of mental disorders, the DSM -5; among these are purgative disorder and night eating syndrome”.

Symptoms Of Eating Disorders

A big question for most people is what can trigger an eating disorder process in someone. The answer is the psychiatrist Maria Francisca Mauro:

“The development of eating disorders has as main risk factors to go on a diet, that is, to have the beginning of a wrong nutritional orientation or the influence of some media content. In the background come the family genetics, the environment due to the pressure of a certain body pattern, or even personality traits that favor the person to assume an obsession with what he eats and perceives his body’.’

Also Lists The Main Symptoms:

Also, being distressed or in emotional distress if you think you ate something you shouldn’t, or if you had a feeling of not being able to control yourself to start eating or stop eating. Another point is to check your body to see if you have any defects resulting from gaining weight”.

Also Talks About The Treatment:

It may also include nurses, physical educators, and clinical physicians. However, it is first necessary to track whether the diagnosis is an eating disorder or that person’s suffering is due to another psychiatric condition. According to the diagnosis and its severity, treatment will be organized at home, even if you need to be hospitalized to recover. 



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