Probiotics: Eight Foods That Strengthen The Gut And Immune System


Gut health and a robust immune system are closely related. These eight natural probiotics have a positive effect on intestinal flora and, at the same time, increase your immune system.

A robust immune system is desirable, especially during a pandemic. Sufficient sleep, zinc and vitamin C are already good helpers to build up the body’s protective shield.

It is now also known that the intestine plays a central role in maintaining a sound immune system.

Namely, the mucosal surfaces of the gut form significant physical protective barriers from foreign antigens. Healthy intestinal flora is necessary to maintain the immune system, mainly maintained with a healthy diet.

The following eight probiotic foods support, among other things, the intestines in building up their intestinal flora with healthy bacterial strains and consequently strengthening the immune system.

What Exactly Are Probiotics? 

Probiotics are essential for the human body – they contribute to a healthy intestinal flora and can thus help protect the body from harmful substances and infections.

The living microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria or yeast fungi, therefore have a particularly health-promoting effect on the intestines – they are therefore the “good inhabitants of the intestines”.

They also have the property of activating immune cells and thus protecting the body from various diseases. 

In addition, regular consumption can prevent allergies and skin diseases.

Probiotic Foods Strengthen The Immune System 

Probiotics are therefore essential for a healthy body – but do not necessarily have to be taken in the form of dietary supplements. 

If you want to meet your probiotic needs naturally, you can use a variety of probiotic foods to help build healthy gut flora and boost your immune system at the same time. 


Vitamin A, C, vitamin K2, B vitamins such as B1, B2 and B12,  iron and various amino acids – it is not for nothing that kimchi is one of the healthiest foods in the world. 

Like sauerkraut, this traditional Korean dish is made from Chinese cabbage and is served with most dishes. 

Since kimchi is high in fiber and lactic acid bacteria, it supports healthy digestion – and your immune system. 

Plain Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the best sources of probiotics because it helps with digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhea and thus improves your intestinal flora. 

In addition, due to its high calcium content, yogurt can improve your bone density and prevent high blood pressure, among other things.

Nevertheless, you should ensure that these health-promoting properties only apply to natural yogurt – fruit yogurt with high added sugar should be enjoyed more as a dessert and therefore less often. 

As a bit of tip: Make sure that the expiry date is extended – the fresher the yogurt, the higher the content of lactic acid bacteria, which better promotes intestinal health. 


Kefir is a fermented, viscous milk drink made from goat’s or cow’s milk. What doesn’t sound very appetizing at first offers many health benefits? 

Kefir is rich in calcium,  magnesium and phosphorus and contains vitamin B2, B12 and vitamin D. 

In contrast to yogurt, no lactic acid bacteria are added, but the so-called kefir grain – a “milk fungus” that contains yeast fungi and healthy bacteria. 

Again, you should make sure that the product is fresh and organic so that as many lactic acid bacteria as possible make it into your intestines. 


Pickles are prepared in a liquid made of water, herbs, sugar and salt and made more durable through lactic acid fermentation. 

The snack can help regulate digestion and positively affect the immune system, as they have a very high content of probiotic lactic acid bacteria.

Those who want to lose weight can also be happy – pickled cucumbers contain only eleven kilocalories per 100 grams and no fat.

But be careful: only actual pickled cucumbers contain living lactic acid bacteria that have become sour due to lactic acid fermentation. Unfortunately, most pickles in the supermarket do not contain live lactic acid bacteria.


The spicy paste is usually made from soybeans and grains such as rice or barley and comes from Japanese cuisine. 

Thanks to the long maturation period, which often lasts several months, lactic acid bacteria ensure that the mass ferments – this is how miso gets its typical sweet and sour taste. 

In addition to lots of protein and fiber, miso contains many probiotic lactic acid bacteria that help keep your body healthy and strengthen your intestinal flora. 


Cheese lovers can rejoice – although not all types of cheese are probiotic foods, Cheddar, Gruyère, Gouda, mozzarella and Parmesan, in particular, contain living lactic acid bacteria. 

A special rule applies when eating cheese: the older the cheese, the more probiotic bacteria it contains. 

Nevertheless, you have to ensure that pasteurized cheeses do not contain any living probiotic bacteria due to the heating process.


Made from soybeans, the Indonesian food is perfect as a supplier of lactic acid bacteria.

This is mainly because the product is “inoculated” with a mold during manufacture.

Fermentation allows a lot of healthy bacteria to grow and multiply.

Tempeh contains many minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and proteins – all of which can be used particularly well by your body. 

Beware Of Pasteurized Products

Therefore, a variety of foods can help you strengthen your immune system in the long term and protect you from viruses and bacteria.

You must ensure that pasteurized products cannot contain live lactic acid bacteria – pasteurized pickles, cheese, and dairy products cannot prevent colds or viral diseases. 

But if you integrate a few of the foods into your nutritional plan, you will manage to stay healthy in the long term – and without medication and in a completely natural way. 


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