Food Introduction: Know Four Reasons To Include The Egg


Food introduction is a subject that raises doubts and causes apprehension in most parents – especially first-timers. Not without reason: the supply of food in the early years of a baby directly impacts their eating habits and can influence their health in adult life.

The recommendation is that breastfeeding be exclusive until six months. After this period, the child can access other foods – and the egg is one of the best representatives. As a source of vitamins and proteins, it is a great way to get the little ones used to having adequate nutrition, a habit that should continue when they grow up.

However, there is a lot of conflicting information about the consumption of eggs at this age, for example, if it is a milky food. In this text, we will clarify everything you need to know about it. Check out!

Why Offer Eggs To Babies? Know Four Reasons!

The idea that the egg could be part of baby food was only considered for a while because it has always been considered an allergenic food, so children could not eat it before nine months.

Therefore, the egg, along with breast milk and other natural, unprocessed, or minimally processed foods, becomes a good ally for the child’s development from the time of food introduction. But we already advance: this can only be done with the nutritional follow-up of a pediatrician.

Do you want to know more about the benefits? Check it out below!

Boosts Immunity

It is a food with many nutrients, and, especially concerning the immune system, it has components such as vitamins A and D, which help to improve it. The egg boosts immunity and ensures disease prevention if consumed with other foods.

Reduces The Risk Of Allergies

In the case of babies, there is the concept of an immune window, a period when the body is more exposed and can acquire food allergies. Therefore, the early introduction to this food helps to reduce this possibility.

However, you shouldn’t offer an egg just once. To ensure that the child does not develop an allergy, it is essential to introduce this food at least twice a week.

It Is Complete Food

Both the white and the yolk offer a high rate of nutrients for the body. The first one is rich in protein and helps construct the tissues, consequently supporting development. The yolk has iron and minerals, in addition to unsaturated fats, essential for transporting vitamins and improving energy resistance.

Excellent Source Of Protein

Proteins are the union of essential amino acids in our body. The egg is one of the complete foods when it comes to protein. Its use by the organism is almost 100%, which is rare for food. The main one found is the albumin contained in the egg white, which helps distribute nutrients and water.

What Are The Ways To Offer Eggs To Babies?

As we’ve seen so far, the egg is a vibrant food that ensures better development for the baby’s body. In addition to the importance of consulting a pediatrician to ensure your baby can eat this food. There are some basic precautions for preparation.

In this part, we will explain how to introduce the egg properly. You will learn from how to cook food to how to offer it. Continues!

Boiled Egg

A boiled egg is an excellent alternative for babies. If that’s your choice, consider how it will be offered. If you prefer to give the egg in pieces, cut it vertically. In this way, you can significantly reduce the risk of choking, making it easier for the baby to hold the food.

Another way to offer boiled eggs to babies is minced or even mashed.

It is essential that the yolk is not soft to avoid the risk of salmonella. Also, one should not have a dark appearance, as it influences the absorption of proteins. In this case, between 7 and 9 minutes is ideal for cooking this recipe.

Fried Egg

Contrary to what many people think, babies can eat fried eggs. However, care must be taken with the ingredients used in the preparation.

In that sense, no using oil! It is best to fry the egg in water. After one year of life, olive oil and butter are good options for fat. In any case, they should be used in moderation to maintain a healthy diet.


This is a recommended recipe for babies from six months. As it is not recommended to use salt in preparations at this age, you can opt for other types of seasoning, such as fine herbs, parsley, and chives.

In addition, you can start offering an omelet made only with egg so that the baby recognizes and gets used to the taste of the food. Then you can add other ingredients. For example, grated carrots, diced tomatoes, and thinly sliced ​​onions are good alternatives.

Also Read: Scrambled Eggs: These 5 Scrambled Egg Recipes Will Make Your Muscles Grow


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