12 Foods That Don’t Make You Fat And That Fill You Up


Losing weight is an activity that is often considered quite difficult. This is due to the false imagery that to lose weight; it is necessary to eat little and be hungry. Fortunately, this is a misconception. Some foods that are not fattening and leave anyone satisfied quickly after eating can help a lot on this journey. 

With that in mind, we will tell you which foods don’t make you fat so you can put together a menu that satisfies you and that you like so that weight loss is pleasurable and not traumatic.


Fruits are the biggest darlings in the food world. This is because they are delicious and easy to work with (going into many different types of recipes). In addition to all these good things, fruits are an excellent option for those who don’t want to gain weight because the vast majority are low in calories and are very filling.


Much of this is because they can be lovely and very delicious. The most exciting thing is that pineapple is also great for diets because it is almost 80% water. 

Pineapple has a lot of fiber, which helps to regulate the bowels. It also has enzymes that digest protein, and last but not least, pineapple dissolves fat. 


Orange and other similar fruits (such as tangerine, grapefruit, and lemon) give a lovely feeling of satiety. They are citrusy, and because of that, they are great ways to speed up the digestion process, and they are also accommodating for weight loss, in addition to being very tasty. 


Cantaloupe and watermelon have one of the lowest calories of all fruits. There are, on average, 70 calories per slice, so it is possible to eat until you are full without worrying about whether or not it will make you fat. This fruit has a property that deflates the body; that is, it eliminates the body fluid retained, creating the appearance of more slenderness. 


Plum is also a low-calorie fruit so it can be eaten frequently. However, its most significant action is not directly on weight loss but blood vessels and the heart. What happens is that the plum has potassium and vitamin C that, combined, help to unclog these vessels.


Cereals are foods eaten daily that have a high caloric index. Whole grains, in turn, are also caloric but less processed industrially. This, in practice, means that the body will spend more to digest them, and they will still help the body’s intestinal functioning. In this way, replacing daily processed cereals with whole grains is always interesting. 


Granola is a food that needs an extra concern because it is almost wholly carbohydrate. Therefore, when ingesting it, opting for less caloric, integral and light foods is legal. Granola serves well as an accompaniment to fruits and yogurts and ensures prolonged satiety. 


The exciting thing about oatmeal is that it can serve as a substitute for other flour; oat flour, for example, easily replaces wheat flour in numerous recipes. Oatmeal is delicious food for satiety, as it is hard to digest, so hunger doesn’t come too soon. 


Chickpeas are a well-known food for vegetarians and vegans. They are so famous for being very versatile, serving well for various types of recipes. In addition, chickpeas are full of fiber (which regulates the intestines) and, if done right, are extremely tasty. Anyone who has never eaten needs to eat; it’s worth it. 

Cereal Bar

It is widespread to say that a cereal bar is highly caloric. Industrialized and processed bars have a very high degree of calories. Therefore, it is appropriate to opt for cereal bars that are whole and light or diet since they are delicious, satisfy well, and do not make you fat.


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