Foods That Help With Weight Loss


When we think of weight loss, we think of ​​eating better. We often imagine this will be expensive; after all, many healthy products have the highest value. But there are affordable foods that can help you lose weight.

Foods that help with weight loss speed up metabolism, fight fluid retention, and help with intestinal transit. These foods should be consumed daily little by little; in addition to having a good diet, the practice of physical exercise helps to accelerate weight loss.

We often hear about different diets, weight loss drugs, or weight loss recipes that probably won’t even work and are very bad for your health, such as hormonal changes, weakness, heart problems, and malaise.

To maintain weight, it is necessary to create the habit of healthy eating and regular physical activity. Otherwise, the accordion effect can develop; this occurs when the person loses weight with some diet, but when they stop gaining all the weight again or even more.

To lose weight, you must eat more natural products and avoid refined, processed foods, sweets, sugar, fat and fried foods. The recommended thing is to invest in foods that accelerate metabolism, healthily bring the feeling of satiety, decrease fluid retention and improve the work of the intestine. A good diet will meet the needs and aid weight loss.


Fibers help lose weight because their consumption reduces appetite and improves intestinal processes. The fibers capture water; this causes the food to form a gel and ferment the intestine, pushing everything in the way.

The pear is rich in water and fiber, the fruit gives the impression of satiety, and the natural sugar takes away the desire to eat sweets and gradually increases blood sugar. It is most effective for weight loss to eat a pear 20 minutes before meals.

Eggplant, like pear, is rich in fiber and water. It is suitable for the intestine’s functioning and poor digestion and helps fight cholesterol. Eggplant also has many vitamins and minerals that help against fluid retention and swelling in the body.

Brown rice is high in fiber, satiates more than white rice, and staves off hunger. In addition, it has B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and antioxidant nutrients, thus improving blood circulation, attention, and memory.

Oatmeal is a soluble fiber and protein that gives satiety and regulates the intestines. Helps improve blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Eating oatmeal in porridge and mixing it with pieces of fruit, smoothies, cakes, and even cookies is possible.

Wheat bran is very high in fiber and has very few calories. It can help with constipation, blood sugar control, and decreasing hunger. Wheat bran does not change the taste of food, so it is possible to add it to all foods to facilitate weight loss.

Besides being rich in fiber, flaxseed has antioxidants and omega-3, which help control cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the body. Flaxseed improves digestion and reduces hunger. The best form to be consumed is crushed or flour.

Beans, peas, lentils, and chickpeas are sources of protein and fiber. Consuming daily with rice can bring several benefits and form a good protein.

In addition to being nutritious, sweet potato is rich in potassium and plays a vital role in controlling blood pressure. When boiled, it forms resistant starch, an element that looks like fiber. Avoid sweet potato fries.

The leaves, mainly green, give volumes in the intake without increasing the calorie, thus reducing hunger. They have fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants such as calcium and iron.

Bitter orange is rich in water and fiber and hydrates the intestine, improving its functioning of the intestine. The best form of consumption is in the form of buds, where the fibers are found. The fruit pulp is tonic and alkalizing, great for people with liver problems, but should be consumed with care by people with diabetes.


The human body produces thermogenic all the time. This happens when the body forms nutrients into energy to maintain heat and make the body function. Even without doing anything, it is possible to generate thermogenesis. When we eat, metabolism leads to calorie burning.

Cinnamon tends to increase the body’s metabolism by burning fat among the foods that have thermogenic effects. It prolongs satiety and decreases the desire to eat sweets; it also increases body temperature and releases insulin from the pancreas. It is possible to add cinnamon to fruits, juices, vitamins, teas, cakes, and cookies.

Green tea has thermogenic properties that act on the nervous system by accelerating metabolism. In addition, it is composed of xanthine, the substances of caffeine, chocolate, and theobromine. These compounds include coffee, green tea, black tea, mate tea, and chocolate. It is possible to consume green tea as a tea or capsule.

Ginger also increases fat burning by speeding up metabolism. The main compound is gingerol, which is antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and helps platelets prevent thrombus. For this to be possible, you need two slices of ginger daily.


Protein is a substance of several amino acids composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen molecules. The functions of proteins are to take the place of enzymes, move muscles, manage hormones and antibodies, aid in blood clotting, and carry oxygen through hemoglobin.

Protein is excellent for anyone who wants to curb hunger. For this, it is necessary to consume proteins with a low-fat percentage, such as the egg, that satiates the need for a long time and contributes to muscle strengthening.

Broccoli is a vegetable rich in essential nutrients such as calcium and vitamin C and has a lot of fiber, protein, and very few calories. Broccoli fiber gives you a feeling of satiety and, together with protein help, you lose weight.

Fish and seafood have omega-3 fatty acids, a good source of protein and saturated fat. They are excellent foods for the heart and lower cholesterol levels. Rich in calcium and iodine that prevent the thyroid and accelerate metabolism.


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