Foods That Lower The Blood Sugar Level


Is there a “food” way out against blood sugar? Some foods help lower the blood sugar level.


When you think of cinnamon, your mind immediately rushes to the combination of sugar and cinnamon. So considering cinnamon to be effective for lowering blood sugar and reducing the risk of developing diabetes can be somewhat surprising. Both cinnamon sticks and cinnamon extracts reduce the fasting glucose level. 

In addition, cinnamon reduces total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoproteins of bad cholesterol (LDL), while increasing high-density lipoproteins of good cholesterol (HDL). But be careful: there are various types of cinnamon, and some are better than others. For example, Vietnamese cinnamon contains high levels of coumarin, a natural ingredient that could damage the liver. Ceylon cinnamon is safer.


Fenugreek is a spice whose seeds and leaves are widely used in South Asian cuisine. Fenugreek is similar to beans. It is used as a supplement for nursing mothers and can be found in many herbal medicines. Fenugreek lowers blood sugar levels for diabetes and pre-diabetes sufferers. Fenugreek fibers can slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. Fenugreek can be taken in tea or added to many tasty recipes.

Garlic And Onions 

Garlic has long been used to lower cholesterol levels, acting on blood sugar levels. Garlic extracts increase the amount of insulin for people with diabetes. In many recipes, garlic is often paired with onions, which also positively affects blood sugar levels. The sulfur-based components present in onions, such as S-methyl cysteine ​​and flavonoid quercetin, are the architects of these positive effects.


Monounsaturated fatty acids are important components for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. These fats are a key nutrient in avocado. Avocado has been shown to decrease the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Improves the average and fasting glucose level; it also decreases insulin resistance, a phase of pre-diabetes during which body cells do not respond to the insulin produced by the body. Avocado also promotes a sense of satisfaction at the end of a meal and positively affects blood pressure and inflammation.


anthocyanins are the nutritional elements found in colored plants, especially vegetables and fruit. They are also found in tea, honey, wine, nuts, olive oil, and chocolate; blue, purple, or reddish fruit has the highest concentration of these elements. Blackberries and blueberries are the fruits with the highest content of anthocyanins: the latter act directly on the blood sugar level after a meal by inhibiting some digestive enzymes. This slows digestion and prevents sugar spikes, especially after a starchy meal.

But the nutrients in berries don’t simply slow down digestion: adding berries to the diet of an obese who suffers from pre-diabetes (a couple of smoothies a day for six weeks is enough) greatly improves insulin sensitivity. Another good thing: berries are also an excellent source of soluble fiber and many other important nutrients.


Cherries, especially black and sour cherries, are full of anthocyanins. Those who eat a diet rich in anthocyanins have a lower level of insulin resistance and lower levels of inflammation.

Insulin resistance prevents insulin from working properly and bringing blood sugar levels back to normal. A diet rich in anthocyanins improves insulin usage and lowers blood sugar levels.


if she had known, the famous English nanny could have sung, “Just a little vinegar and the sugar goes down”! Apple cider vinegar has long been a very popular food: the acetic acid in the vinegar reduces certain enzymes in the stomach. Drinking apple cider vinegar mixed with water before meals has health benefits: it improves insulin sensitivity. It reduces blood sugar spikes after a starch-based meal for pre-diabetes sufferers and those with diabetes.


Adding a cup of coffee a day can decrease the risk of diabetes by more than 10%.


Paradoxically, mango lowers blood sugar levels even though it tastes sweet and sugary. Ten grams of freeze-dried mango per day, the equivalent of about half a fresh mango (100 grams), helps lower blood sugar levels for those suffering from obesity. Additionally, mango contains fiber and over 20 minerals and vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.

Olive Oil

olive oil promotes the release of leptin, the hormone that regulates the sense of satiety. In addition, olive oil, rich in the same monounsaturated fats as avocado, prevents insulin resistance and the accumulation of fat in the stomach.


Quite interesting, and at the same time unexpected, is the fact that people who suffer from obesity and who eat two eggs a day for breakfast lose 65% more weight than those who eat a similar breakfast but without eggs. Eggs control hunger by reducing the postprandial insulin response and control appetite by preventing large swings in glucose and insulin levels.

Those who eat eggs for breakfast will eat fewer calories over the next 36 hours.

Nuts And Seeds 

Nuts, such as almonds, and seeds, such as hemp, chia, and flax, are optimal for lowering blood sugar, as well as for the intake of other micronutrients. All nuts are rich in chromium, which helps reduce blood sugar. However, almonds contain higher magnesium levels than other nuts, and cashews follow closely. Next time you’re craving a snack, choose a handful of almonds or cashews. A small handful will be enough to control sugar levels and provide your body with plenty of micronutrients.

Other Foods

Many other foods can help lower your blood sugar levels, including barley, lemons, and sweet potatoes. We hope that there is something you like among all the foods we have talked about so far. In short, don’t forget that if you are insulin resistant and want to avoid diabetes, the best way to do this is to lose weight and exercise. No food or supplement will replace the long-term benefits of weight loss and physical activity. Either way, a pinch of cinnamon in your morning coffee and a cup of blueberries are a great way to start the day, both from a taste and a health standpoint!


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