Four Tips On How To Lower Cholesterol


Hypercholesterolemia, an increase in blood cholesterol, is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and several other diseases. Therefore, when the lipid profile is altered (dyslipidemia), it is recommended that patients improve their lifestyles. But, in practice,  how to lower cholesterol?

That’s what we’re talking about in this article. Read on and see four tips that help keep cholesterol levels under control and prevent complications!

How To Treat Dyslipidemia?

Treating dyslipidemia requires maintaining a good body mass index (BMI). This, in turn, requires the patient to take care of their health in an integral way, adopting good habits daily.

Thus, although therapeutic recommendations should always be individualized, some guidelines apply to everyone. In this sense, it is essential:

  • have a balanced diet ;
  • practice physical exercises regularly ;
  • taking prescribed medication ;
  • stop smoking permanently ;
  • monitor cholesterol levels through routine check-ups.

Do Only Overweight People Have High Cholesterol?

Not. Thin people can have high cholesterol, just as overweight people can be healthy. At this point, come into play:

  • the  genetic factor linked to the liver’s ability to remove it;
  • excessive consumption of  fatty foods ;
  • the presence of comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes,  hypothyroidism and others.

That’s why it’s important to keep routine exams up to date. According to the Society of Endocrinology and Metabology (SBEM),  everyone over ten should do the annual cholesterol dosage  (total and fractions). If any alteration is detected, the early adoption of simple measures often avoids the worsening of the condition and the resulting complications.

How To Lower Cholesterol?

Who defines the specific therapeutic strategies based on the individual cardiovascular risk is the endocrinologist. However, as explained, some measures are unanimous. To learn how to lower cholesterol, follow the tips below!

Include These Foods In Your Diet

About  30% of the cholesterol in the body comes from food. Therefore, you should maintain a nutritionally balanced diet, prioritizing some foods that help reduce their levels. Are they:

  • avocado  (two tablespoons per day);
  • oatmeal  (one tablespoon per day);
  • extra virgin olive oil  (one tablespoon per day);
  • green tea  (three cups of tea a day);
  • dark chocolate  (20 g a day or when you feel like a sweet treat);
  • red fruits  (at will, as long as in nature)
  • low-fat dairy  products (two servings of skimmed milk or yogurt or ricotta, cottage, or soft cheeses);
  • flaxseed  (two tablespoons per day);
  • oilseeds  (three walnuts or chestnuts or a tablespoon of almonds);
  • grilled, baked, or stewed fish  such as salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, and herring (two to four 180g servings per week);
  • soy  (four glasses of milk a day or six tablespoons of grains);
  • whole grape juice concentrate  (one glass of 180 ml per day);
  • tomato  (one unit per day).

Beware Of Low Carb Diets

Diets with deficient carbohydrate levels imply an increase in the intake of proteins and fats, which increases cholesterol. To eat healthily, you should include good quality carbohydrates, proteins and fats in adequate amounts in your daily diet.

Practice Weight Training Regularly

Many look for ways to lower cholesterol and do not imagine weight training can help lower their rates. However, regular practice of the modality can raise HDL (good cholesterol) levels and reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

For this, it should be performed at least twice a week to complement aerobic exercises. This goes for both men and women!

Look For Ways To Reduce Stress

Constant stress interferes with raising cholesterol, raising LDL levels and lowering HDL. This occurs indirectly due to bad choices made as a way of coping (cigarettes, alcohol, physical inactivity, etc.) and directly due to physiological reactions (mainly,  hormonal changes ). So find ways to relieve it.

We hope that the tips on how to lower cholesterol are helpful. Believe me, as simple as they seem; they can make all the difference in controlling this silent and dangerous disease. In addition, they positively impact the maintenance of your quality of life!


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