How Can Stress Affect Your Health, And How To Deal With It?


You have certainly found yourself in a stressful situation. With a routine as busy as the one we currently have, it’s very easy to get stressed and not be able to relax. The question that remains is: how can stress affect health?

More and more people suffer from illnesses caused by or related to stress. This reflects the lifestyle of large cities, with chaotic routines, tight deadlines, and little time for the population to dedicate to leisure. Little by little, people’s quality of life is reduced, and health problems can appear.

In addition to affecting the emotional and psychological, stress also has serious consequences for the physical sphere, directly affecting our organs and their respective functions.

Do you want to know more about the negative impacts of this situation and understand how to combat it? Continue reading this article!

What Is Stress?

In general, stress is seen as a set of reactions in our body during situations of risk, danger, nervousness, or fear. We all go through stress every day, and this is – incredible as it may seem – an extremely useful strategy for the evolution of living beings.

That’s right! Stress was fundamental for the survival of several species since it is from this set of reactions that animals manage to explode muscularly and flee from their predators, for example. Our body is completely alert during stressful situations and more likely to overcome certain obstacles.

Despite being advantageous in terms of evolution and being part of our daily lives, the constant exposure of a person (or even animals, since they can also suffer from the negative effects of stress) to stressful situations can partially or partially impair the functioning of the organism.

This happens because, during stressful moments, our body secretes a series of substances that aim to make us more alert. Such compounds speed up the heart, cause the veins to dilate, and leave our brains on fire. In the long term, however, this can have negative consequences.

How Can Stress Affect Health?

During the episode of stress, our body undergoes a series of transformations, the set of which is known as the “stress response.” Most of them are associated with the release of hormones into the bloodstream, produced by the organs of the endocrine system and their accessory glands. Some of them include adrenaline, cortisol, and noradrenaline.

Such hormones cause our body to modify itself to react to the problem we are facing. As a result, all of our systems are affected. Breathing, for example, gets faster. Thoughts also stir, and heartbeats increase considerably. Other changes include muscle tension and changes in gastrointestinal movements.

With the end of the dangerous situation, the levels of these hormones are reduced, and the individual returns to normal. However, if stress is recurrent, such changes can cause harm to the body. Metabolism, for example, can be harmed, causing excessive weight loss or the opposite effect, with the promotion of obesity.

In addition, the heart can stop working properly thanks to the increased heartbeat, which improperly strengthens the muscle, making pumping more and more complicated. Another system that suffers a lot is the nervous system, which is heavily damaged. The stressed person is highly likely to develop emotional and psychological problems, such as anxiety or depression.

What Are The Main Symptoms Of This Problem?

Like other illnesses, stress gives us a series of indications that something is not going very well. Symptoms of this problem include physical, emotional, and even behavioral factors. In general, it can be said that stress does not only affect the person affected but all those who live with it.

The main symptoms of this problem include:

  • headaches;
  • muscle aches;
  • spine pains ;
  • chest pains;
  • changes in libido;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain ;
  • changes in appetite, both for more and less;
  • memorization difficulties;
  • lack of focus;
  • guilt;
  • anxiety;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • irritability;
  • sadness;
  • social isolation.

Also, people under stress are more likely to abuse substances like drugs or alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to be extra careful not to develop an addiction during this difficult stage.

How Can We Eliminate Stress From Our Life?

Fortunately, it can significantly reduce stress or even eliminate it from our lives with practical tips. The first is to ponder what you want for your life.

Take time to reflect on priorities and see if your stress is justifiable. With this exercise, eliminating some of the causes of stress in our lives is often possible.

However, if it is impossible to give up certain aspects (such as a job), some basic measures can help us achieve a better quality of life and reduce the symptoms of stress. They include:

  • do the regular physical activity;
  • maintain a balanced diet;
  • hydrate properly;
  • looking for a hobby;
  • spending time with people you love;
  • learn something new.

In addition, investing in practices such as chiropractic is a great way to ensure a drastic reduction in stress and treat some of your most unpleasant symptoms, such as pain in your muscles and spine. Thus, you simultaneously take care of your body and your mind!

Now that you know how stress can affect your health, it’s time to change your habits and lifestyle to avoid possible problems in the future! With small changes in routine, it is possible to guarantee a life with much more quality and health for everyone.

Also Read: Healthy Eating: How Does It Affect Your Well-Being?

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