How To Know If You Are Overweight

How do you know if you are overweight? This is the million-dollar question, which, even with the advancement of technology, many people are unaware of how it is possible.

Usually, people only discover that they are overweight when they go to a doctor, and the professional comments on this fact.

According to the Ministry of Health, until March 2020, about 55.7% of the country’s adult population was overweight, with 19.8% of this total obese. This number has been growing due to the coronavirus pandemic.

That’s because people were more than a year locked in their homes. During almost all this period, without training or restricted training, and abusing food and alcoholic beverages.

This excess, especially in alcohol and fatty foods, can be worrying; it can generate several health problems in the future. These include high blood pressure and heart attack.

In addition, 7.7% of the adult population has diabetes, and 24.7% have hypertension. These diseases may be related to obesity.

The easiest way to assess your weight is through your body mass index (BMI). To do this, you must take your weight in kg and divide it twice by your height in meters.

For example, if you are 60 kg and 1.72 m, you only need to calculate 60 kg ÷ 1.72 ÷ 1.72.

Another way to do it is to multiply the height by two and save the result of this multiplication. After that, you must divide the weight by the development of the expansion. It would be 60 ÷ (1.72)².

How To Know If Your BMI Is Good?

A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is recommended for adults. For the elderly over sixty, the number ranges from 22.0 to 26.9.

When the BMI reaches 30, it can be considered obese; when you see numbers between regular and 30, you are considered overweight.

There are sub classifications of obese; those with a body mass index above 40 may have morbid obesity, a chronic disease according to the swine flu vaccine, also known as H1N1.

Is Calculating BMI Always Good?

Calculating this index is not always a good idea. That’s because he doesn’t separate fat weight from lean weight. This means that muscles, bones, and other body parts also weigh, and you are not necessarily overweight.

The only way to resolve this is to do an assessment. To evaluate, you must take measurements of your body. When you measure your waist circumference, arms, and legs, it is easier for you to know if you are overweight or not.

Ideally, it would help if you are looking for a health professional. As he already has experience with this situation, you will know everything in more detail.

Women’s Measurements

The ideal circumference of a woman should be 80 cm; between 80 and 81.5 can be considered overweight. From 88 is considered obese.

Measurements For Men

A man’s waist circumference should be less than 94 centimeters; between 94 and 101.5 is considered overweight, and 102.0 and above is obese.

These references cannot be considered for children and adolescents. That’s because their bodies are usually smaller and more developing. However, with the monitoring of young people, it is possible to know how their children/grandchildren are doing.

Currently, as some social programs have decreased, child malnutrition has considerably reduced; however, healthy food has increased in price. Therefore, industrialized and processed foods are the cheapest, causing the child not to have adequate nutrition.

This is also due to the routine of some parents, who do not have enough time to cook for their children every day.

The tip we give is to make lunch boxes with snacks and food during the weekend and freeze them.

What Are The Causes Of Being Overweight?


Not always being overweight is your habit and your fault. In some cases, it can be genetic. That’s because everyone has a body type. If you are a person who has always been “cute” and has done everything to make it change, but this has never happened, it is most likely because of your biotype.

Remember: have healthy habits primarily for health reasons, avoid overly restrictive diets, follow up with a nutritionist and do a food reeducation.

Diets that are too restrictive and unattended can result in anemia, anorexia, and bulimia.

Another thing that can make you overweight is hormones, which are produced irregularly.

May Be Overweight Due To A Sedentary Lifestyle

Not practicing physical exercises, as much as you have a good diet, can influence. That’s because exercise will help you complement your healthy habits.

In addition, physical activities are perfect for health and physical conditioning. After all, any indoor activity you do if you get some exercise will take longer to get tired.

Psychological Causes

Stress, anxiety, and depression are psychological diseases that can end up causing weight gain.

That’s because, depending on how you react, you eat more than you should, sleep little, are always tired, and drink little water, and the body reacts to all this.

However, the reverse path can occur, and you eat little and sleep little too, sometimes going days without eating. It will make you lose weight, but not in a healthy way.

You Can Be Overweight From A Poor Diet

Daily rush, compulsive desire to eat fatty or sweet things, or always eating at different times are some causes for this weight gain.

Therefore, you should seek professional help and try to adjust your food clock, so your body gets used to it.

And if you feel a lot of cravings for sweets or food compulsiveness, you can talk to your nutritionist and ask if you can take Leve Slim. Our supplement will help you regulate your sleep and your exaggerated desire to eat fatty things.