How To Make A Proper Diet: 10 Simple Rules


Yes, to a glass of red wine, no to sugar. Twenty minutes before sitting down at the table, eat 150 grams of fruit and drink two glasses of water. Remember that spices help you lose weight.

How To Make A Correct Diet

In recent months, summer has arrived, and many of us have renewed our gym membership and opted for a healthy diet free of fats and sugars. But be careful not to overdo it: spending hours and hours between treadmills and fitness classes or excessively reducing meals or even fasting are entirely counterproductive. In general, losing weight should never be considered torture. Everyone is free to choose the diet he prefers (knowing that the Mediterranean one is still the healthiest) as long as you feel 10 simple rules to lose weight reasonably and effortlessly. Let’s see them, knowing that good nutrition can also give us the miracle of growing tall.

  • On Carbohydrates, bread and pasta, do not waste time following a thousand conflicting indications. Just remember one essential thing: you can eat them combined with vegetables, especially the bitter ones such as endive, chicory and rocket.
  • Meals should always be eaten seated, without haste and, if possible, in the company. Eating too quickly or while standing is a perfect way to gain weight. And loneliness at the table also increases your stomach, if only because you eat faster.
  • Fruit should be eaten between meals. It is more effective and does not swell. You can also make delightful combinations for the palate, such as berries with cheeses.
  • In any Case, Legumes must be kept within a food scheme. At least once or twice a week.
  • Drink A Lot. For many reasons, water is essential in scorching heat, and you dismiss with a laugh those who still think that drinking a lot of water makes you fat. We need at least 8-10 glasses of water over a day.
  • Yes, To a Glass Of Red Wine. For the simple reason, red wine contains iron and copper, or minerals that play an active role in the metabolic process. One glass per meal, not five.
  • Without Physical Activity, even just walking, any diet becomes more complicated and sometimes useless. The best is always swimming, good yoga to improve breathing and pilates gymnastics for posture.
  • Before Sitting Down At The Table, let’s say twenty minutes earlier, eat 150 grams of fruit and drink two glasses of water. They are effective. However, during meals, flavor the dishes with turmeric, curry, ginger, and chili. These spices help you lose weight.
  • Watch Out For Sugar. Avoid it constantly, and in any case, replace it with honey; even acacia honey is okay; read the labels carefully: sometimes, the lords of the food industry try to hide the sugars contained in a product.
  • Always eat the dish that contains more fiber than the others first.

Each His Diet

Meanwhile, scientific research focuses on one principle: Everyone has their diet. It means that each individual reacts differently to the intake of the same foods. Therefore generic diets will be increasingly replaced by nutritional plans based on personal characteristics.

The Imperial College of London scholars are convinced of this, and, by assigning identical diets to the subjects under examination, they have verified how each reacts differently. This means that it will be more and more suitable to design personalized diets based on a few simple tests: blood, faeces, and urine.


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