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How to Use Omega 3 during Menopause for Pain Relief?

As a woman, any time your body goes through major changes, it needs more care and attention. Better nutrition, the right workout, mental breaks, and self-care—all of these are necessary to manage the symptoms that come with a certain phase of life, such as menopause.

When it comes to care, for many women it means targeted nutrition and supplements. And, specific nutrition is very effective during perimenopause and menopause, bridging the gap when a regular diet falls short.

Omega 3 is one of the nutritional additions to the diet that make it easier to go through menopause. Usually taken via fish oil supplements, this micronutrient is packed with essential health benefits.

After all, for ages, the significance of a fish-based diet has been highlighted for women to help manage hormonal imbalances, vitamin D deficiency, and other health issues. It’s unsurprising that fish oil is deemed amazing for the menopausal stage of life!

Taking Omega 3 for Menopause: A Brief Guide

You may have several questions. Is omega 3 supplementation actually effective for managing symptoms of menopause? Is it necessary if you already have fish in your meals? What kind of omega 3 supplement is best when you’re going through menopause?

First, let’s dive into how omega 3 helps during menopause. Numerous studies on the effectiveness of omega 3 have shown promising results. When it comes to menopause, the symptoms vary for everyone, but the gist of it is that you:

  • Face depression and anxiety, usually consistently and without a specific cause
  • Have trouble sleeping, or go through disturbing sleep patterns most days
  • Experience skin troubles, such as dryness or oiliness, and breakouts
  • Go through hot flashes, general feelings of discomfort, and musculoskeletal pain

These symptoms are natural. And manageable. Menopause is not something treatable, but to be waited out. However, there’s no need to suffer the max of its symptoms, not when you can make easy and simple-to-follow changes to your diet to alleviate these!

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Top Reasons to Consume Omega 3 during Menopause

Omega 3 offers advantages that go beyond alleviating menopausal symptoms. If you find yourself in the midst of menopause or perimenopause, go for fish oil to get your fill of sufficient omega 3 to address the key symptoms, especially the discomfort and distress. Omega 3 offers incredible health benefits, including:

Counters Inflammation & Lowers Risk Of Disease

Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which means that these target cell-harming free radicals. Inflammation is not only a cause of menopausal discomfort, but chronic inflammation is the reason behind cardiovascular diseases, bone and joint pain, and other health issues.

By combatting inflammation, omega 3 has a positive impact on your overall health during menopause. Combining omega 3 with other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium can provide you with both protective and restorative benefits.

Lowers Stress & Uplifts Depressed Moods

During menopause, many women may encounter low mood and stress. In addition to inflammation-fighting abilities, omega 3 also promotes mental health—thanks to the brain-boosting power of the fatty acid DHA.

Since DHA is a key component of the brain’s grey matter, responsible for memory, learning, and most important of all, logic and emotions. By consistently introducing DHA to your diet, you actively contribute to brain health. The power of DHA is also associated with omega 3’s potency in the management of depression and anxiety—which are common during menopause. Thus, it’s no surprise that research shows that omega 3 has a fairly positive impact on depressive moods. Experts suggest that omega 3 fatty acids can traverse the brain cell membrane, which is how concentrated EPA and DHA supplements enhance mental well-being.

Relieves Discomfort Of Night Sweats & Hot Flashes

Night sweats and hot flashes are two disconcerting symptoms that often accompany menopause, disrupting your daily life and sleep patterns. A series of studies exploring the effects of omega 3 supplementation on menopausal women reveal that omega 3 supplements may offer relief for night sweats due to anti-inflammatory and mood-boosting capabilities.

For some women, omega 3 also helps with hot flashes to some extent. That said, just as menopause is a unique experience for every woman with no two people having the exact same combination of symptoms, omega 3 also works differently.

Improves Sleep & Energy

In addition to the benefits covered thus far, omega 3 fatty acids improve your health in many other ways during menopause. These fatty acids also support bone and joint health, particularly helpful for women facing weakness and lethargy throughout menopause.

Additionally, adequate omega 3 intake enhances sleep quality by regulating melatonin levels. For women experiencing adult acne, the fatty acids anti-inflammatory properties can help minimize breakouts.

How To Take Omega 3 – Food & Supplementation

Fish is a great source of omega 3. But does your usual intake of fish and other seafood provide you with the omega 3 you need during menopause?

Chances are that your diet alone is not enough to get ideal levels of EPA and DHA. As for choosing a supplement, know that not all omega 3 supplements are made equal when it comes to potency.

  • You can go for fish oil liquid and mix it in your salads and smoothies.
  • Fish oil softgels are easy to consume, given the less strong odor and taste.
  • Multivitamins with omega 3 may work. However, it is likely that these do not have enough EPA and DHA. A pure fish oil supplement will give you the full range of health benefits.

Sure, focusing on adding fish to your diet and generally focusing on clean eating helps with menopausal symptoms. But consider taking things up a notch and choose a high-quality fish oil supplement for daily intake as a convenient way to fill this nutritional void—especially if you rarely have fish.

Bottom Line: Managing Menopause With Omega 3

When adding omega 3 to your dietary regime for menopause, know that adequate concentrations of fatty acids DHA and EPA matter. In this situation, the more, the merrier. If you have any health issues alongside menopause or you’re on any medication, do talk to your healthcare provider before adding a fish oil supplement to your routine.

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