Melon: Properties, Nutritional Values, Calories


Melon is useful for improving blood pressure and skin and bone quality, not only! Let’s see together all the properties and how to prepare excellent ice cream. It is a fruit found on tables almost all year round. Low in calories, rich in minerals, and high satiating power, it is also a valuable ally for those on a diet. Let’s find out better.

Description Of The Plant

Melon ( Cucumis melo ) is a plant that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. The same name also indicates the fruit, small or large, with a yellow or netted skin, whitish or orange pulp. There are many varieties of melon, some summer, and others winter; the melon is, therefore, a fruit found for most of the year.

Variety Of Melon

The Cucumis melo species includes numerous varieties  with similar taste and texture but with different characteristics of shape and color. Among the most common we find:

  1. Cantaloupe melon (orange melon).
  2. Netted melon (white melon).
  3. Winter melon (winter melon).

Properties And Benefits Of Melon

All melon varieties exhibit similar nutritional characteristics and health benefits. Let’s see what the main properties of melon are:

  1. This is rich in micronutrients, such as vitamin C, folate, potassium, and antioxidants, including beta carotene, found mainly in cantaloupe.
  2. It has a good amount of fiber that promotes satiety and regulates the absorption of sugars and fats.
  3. It improves blood pressure levels and reduces cardiovascular risk.
  4. Promotes bone health, thanks to the presence of vitamin K, magnesium, and folate.
  5. Improve skin health and hydration.
  6. Boosts the immune system, thanks to the presence of vitamin C.
  7. It supports eye health and vision.

Calories And Nutritional Values ​​Of Melon

100 g of melon provide:

  1. 33 kcal
  2. Protein 0.8 g
  3. Lipids 0.2 g
  4. Carbohydrates 7.4 g
  5. Sugars 7.4 g
  6. Fiber 0.7 g

Contraindications Of Melon

If consumed in adequate quantities, there are no particular contraindications . The melon in the slimming diet can be inserted like other types of fresh fruit. The calories of the melon are pretty low and similar to those of different fruits. However, in case of diabetes two or taking beta-blocker drugs, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

Conservation And Seasonality

Depending on the type of melon, seasonality varies from June to late October. The melon can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week.

Curiosities About Melon

  1. If you keep the melon in the fridge, the temperature must never be below 5 degrees; otherwise, you risk it becoming soggy when you bring it to the table.
  2. With melon seeds, infusions are prepared with emollient and soothing properties for coughs.
  3. In ancient times the melon was considered a symbol of prosperity and fertility.
  4. Very good to eat, very good on the skin: melon is also used as an ingredient for natural face masks.

Recipes With Melon

It is used for both sweet and savory dishes. For example, a classic combination is that of ham and melon. In addition, it is often put in cubes in summer salads. For a sweet version, however, melon can be used in addition to yogurt or kefir for a fresh and healthy breakfast or snack or make smoothies based on melon and milk or vegetable drink. Among the recipes with melon, there is that of melon ice cream to be prepared at home. Here is a fresh, easy, and healthy recipe.

 Ingredients For One Person

  1. 200 g of cantaloupe melon
  2. 170 g white Greek yogurt 2% 


  1. Wash and cut the cantaloupe into cubes.
  2. Freeze the melon cubes for at least 6-8 hours.
  3. Pour the yogurt and frozen melon into a blender and blend until they reach a creamy consistency.
  4. Pour into a small cup and enjoy the ice-cream immediately.


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