Potassium: What It Is Used For And What Foods Contain It


What Is Potassium

Potassium is a macro-element or macro mineral, one of the minerals that our body needs in large quantities to guarantee its well-being. It is one of the most common minerals in our body. In an adult individual, approximately 180 grams are found.


Among the different meeting factors, the soundness of us all is additionally founded on the osmosis of a progression of supplements, from the blend of which determines support for fundamental elements of our living being. The dangers exuding from an unequal eating regimen can be high, with real results now and again. There is also potassium in supplements‘ scope that can’t be absent in a solid eating regimen. However, what is it explicitly, and what are its advantages to our body?

What Is Potassium Used For

Potassium, whose chemical symbol is K, is involved in various phenomena of the human organism. In fact, among its multiple functions, this mineral:

  1. Participates in muscle contraction, including that of the heart muscle
  2. It promotes the regulation of the balance of fluids and minerals in the cells
  3. It helps maintain blood pressure at normal levels by decreasing the effects of sodium
  4. It helps reduce bone loss that occurs during aging

Inside the body, potassium is associated with various natural capacities. A couple of models? It takes part in muscle constriction (counting that of the heart muscle), teams up in the guideline of the equilibrium between liquids and minerals both inside and outside the cells, assists with keeping up with ordinary strain by lessening the impacts of sodium. Besides, potassium can lessen the threat of successive kidney stones and the chance of bone misfortune during maturing.

Foods That Contain Potassium

Content particularly in natural products, vegetables, and vegetables – are rich particularly green verdant vegetables, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants, carrots, beans, and dried natural products – the potassium is likewise present (in lower amounts) in dairy items, poultry, red meat, and fish. As today by day potassium necessity, a grown-up admission of 2,000 mg of potassium each day is thought proper.

Excess Or Deficiency Of Potassium: What Are The Consequences?

The legitimate working of the kidneys permits you to discard any overabundance of potassium. As it may, hyperkalemia (additional potassium in the blood) can happen in kidney glitches and taking specific drugs. A shortcoming, slow pulse, and arrhythmias are some potential outcomes.

On the other hand, potassium deficiency is viewed as an improbable occasion. Muscle shortcoming, irregular heartbeat, state of mind swings, sickness, and retching can be ramifications.

Potassium And Blood Pressure

Low potassium levels have been connected to hypertension and cardiovascular illness. An increment in potassium consumption, when related to a decrease in sodium admission, could diminish the danger of antagonistic occasions influencing the heart and supply routes, without failing to remember that a few medications and certain pathologies can modify how much potassium that enters and leaves the cells, which significantly influences the convergence of potassium in the blood.

Properties And Benefits 

It is fundamental for appropriate muscle work. The mineral controls the constriction of muscle filaments and animates the transformation of sugar into glycogen, which is consumed by the muscles for energy. As anyone might expect, muscle squeezes, that is unexpected and excruciating compulsory constrictions of the muscles, can get from potassium insufficiency.

Furthermore, potassium:

  1. Promotes diuresis
  2. It acts on the muscles of the stomach and intestines, counteracting constipation
  3. It helps prevent kidney stone formation as it supports the elimination of excess citrate

Where Potassium Is Found

It normally happens in a wide scope of food sources. The most prescribed food sources to take potassium are new vegetables, not exposed to safeguarding techniques and vegetables. More specifically, to assimilate the mineral, you can consume foods such as:

  1. Cabbages
  2. Broccoli
  3. Spinach
  4. Asparagus
  5. Tomatoes
  6. Beans and peas, especially dried
  7. Bananas
  8. Figs
  9. Grape
  10. Apricots
  11. Kiwi
  12. Nuts

Potassium is likewise present in fish, poultry, and dairy items in more modest amounts.

The suggested daily necessity for grown-ups is around 3 grams each day, which can be raised to 5 grams for pregnant ladies. For youngsters under three years old, 800 milligrams each day are adequate.


When a potassium deficiency occurs, various signals can be found in our bodies. Among the most common, there are:

  1. Tiredness
  2. Muscle spasms and cramps
  3. Heartbeat irregularity
  4. Tingling
  5. Nausea and vomiting
  6. Mood changes

Following a rich and changed eating routine can create insufficiencies of the mineral, specific circumstances. To defeat them, you can ultimately turn to graphic enhancements. Before continuing, nonetheless, it is fitting consistently to counsel your primary care physician, cautiously staying away from DIY, which can be counterproductive. Particularly in the event of kidney breakdown, there can likewise be an abundance of potassium in the body. This is a condition known as hypokalemia or hyperkalemia, which causes arrhythmias, slow pulse, trouble breathing, and moderate asthenia (exhaustion).


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