Six Foods That Help The Gut Function


Dealing with constipation, also known as gut, is not easy. However, some habits can be created, as well as foods that help in the functioning of the intestine that can be added to your routine that will certainly help to deal with this uncomfortable feeling.

Oh, and if you constantly deal with constipation, know that you’re not alone in this; it’s estimated that 16% of the world’s population suffers from this condition.

We have prepared this material to help you understand what constipation is and give you suitable solutions to minimize it. Check out!

What Is Constipation?

Constipation is a medical condition when a person cannot have a bowel movement even when they feel an intense urge to go to the bathroom. Several reasons can cause, whether it’s a low-fiber diet, low water intake, sedentary lifestyle, or change in routine, among others.

Usually, a person suffering from constipation has a bowel movement less than twice a week. Distension and abdominal discomfort, gas, cramps, and a great effort when evacuating are some of the main symptoms felt by her.

In some cases, constipation can be resolved in a few days by adjusting your diet and routine. However, in more extreme cases, there may be a need to seek medical help to understand if there is a bigger problem in the gastrointestinal system.

Whatever the issue, it is always worth pointing out that self-medication is never the best solution. If the discomfort is intense, always seek medical attention to know the next steps.

To Include In The Diet: Foods That Help In The Functioning Of The Intestine

It is worth remembering that the foods we will mention below, in addition to assisting in the functioning of the intestine, also favor the feeling of well-being and play an essential role in the immune system.

In addition, they all have two characteristics in common:

  • are rich in fiber
  • They should be consumed together with a good amount of water.

Fibers, present in several types of food, when consumed with water, help form a fecal cake and facilitate the passage of feces along the intestine. Thus, evacuation happens more naturally, without a great effort.

Now, see what foods help in the functioning of the intestine and can improve your day-to-day:

Whole Grains

Whole grains are an essential source of fiber and are certainly part of the group of foods that help with bowel function. Here, we are talking from brown rice through wheat in grains, wheat germ, oats, flaxseed, and whole meal bread, among others.

A good tip for you to include in your diet is Wheat Fiber, also known as wheat bran. It is the outer layer of the grain and is obtained through a milling process that takes place during wheat flour production. It does not go through the refinement process, keeping its minerals.

Wheat fiber is highly versatile and can be used in the preparation of pies, cakes, bread, and cookies and sprinkled/mixed in yogurts, smoothies, soups, milk, and juices, among others.

At Vito’s store, you will find an extensive line of Whole meal Products that, in addition to being of extreme quality, are practical, tasty, nutritious, and, of course, are part of the foods that help in the functioning of the intestine.

Vegetables – Preferably With The Skin

Several vegetables are rich in fiber and help prevent constipation. Among them, we highlight some that can and should be consumed with the peel. For example:

  • Tomato;
  • Cucumber;
  • Aubergine;
  • Beet;
  • Radish;
  • Pepper.

However, foods such as onions and garlic, for example, in which the skin is removed, as well as artichokes, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower, in which there is no skin, are also crucial for the best functioning of the intestine.

Vegetables And Leafy Vegetables – Preferably Raw

Leafy greens and vegetables are also essential to prevent constipation. And they play an even better role when eaten raw. Add them to your routine without even thinking twice. Good food options from this group are:

  • Arugula;
  • Chard;
  • Lettuce;
  • Spinach;
  • chicory;
  • Green cabbage;
  • Escarole.

Fruits – Preferably With Peel And Pomace

Just as fruits or vegetables are rich in fiber, the skins of fruits also have this characteristic. In addition, the pomace of fruits such as tangerine (also called tangerine, mimosa, or bergamot) is another powerful source of fiber.

In addition, papaya and plum are well known for having a good performance when “letting go” of the intestines. Still, fig, kiwi, grape, mango, and pineapple can also help. Remember to consume the skin of those where it is possible to do this – like grapes, for example.

Just be careful and don’t consume the fruits while they are still unripe, as this can cause the intestines to become blocked.


The legume family is also of great value to those who suffer from constipation. Just be aware that they can cause gas for those not used to consuming them often. So test little by little to see if it’s “okay” to add them to your routine.

You can try good legume options: beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, and soybeans.

Liquids: Coffee, Tea And… Lots Of Water!

Caffeine is a stimulant that doesn’t just wake up the mind; it can also make your gut work better. Therefore, moderate coffee and teas containing caffeine can facilitate bowel movements.

However, when talking about liquids, we can never leave it aside: water. It is essential for the proper functioning of your body, not just to avoid constipation. So, could you get in the habit of drinking it often?


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