Ten Nutrition Tips For Healthy Weight Loss


There are several reasons why someone wants to lose weight. But whether they are for aesthetic or health reasons, the weight loss process needs to be done correctly to avoid a number of problems, such as nutrient deficiency. That’s because many people’s instinct is to reduce the amount of food, which may even work in the short term, but it’s not recommended for those who want to change their routine and lead a healthier lifestyle.

To help you with this mission, we’ve prepared ten nutrition tips for healthy weight loss. Could you keep reading and find out what they are?

Increase Your Fiber Intake

Fiber-rich foods, such as oats, chia seeds, flaxseeds and lentils, aiding in digestion, help to increase the feeling of satiety. That is, you eat less and feel less hungry. They also contribute to maintaining a healthy gut microbiota, which helps reduce the risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome, which commonly causes abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation.

Avoid Juices And Soft Drinks

These drinks are known as “liquid calories”. Even natural juices and soft drinks considered light or diet contribute to fat accumulation. Furthermore, due to the high concentrations of sugar and chemical additives, these drinks also play a major role in other health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Reduce Consumption Of Fried Foods

Fried foods should be avoided even by those who are not in the process of losing weight, as they contribute to an increase in bad cholesterol, LDL, which can lead to heart disease and some types of cancer. In addition, this excess fat is accumulated in the abdominal region, which is usually the main focus of many people who want to lose weight.

Therefore, the ideal is to prepare steamed, boiled or grilled foods using natural seasonings such as pepper, thyme, rosemary and basil. In addition to giving food more flavour, they help reduce salt consumption, which should also be avoided, as it increases swelling and fluid accumulation in the body.

Start Meals With A Salad

Anyone looking to live a healthier life knows salad is an important part of that journey. But including it in meals can be challenging, especially if you have a more interesting side dish. Therefore, the tip is to start meals with a salad, as it contains most of the necessary nutrients and helps control appetite. Thus, when you finish eating the salad, you will already be more satisfied and naturally reduce the amount of food you consume.

Consume Thermogenic Foods

Thermogenic foods can accelerate metabolism, increasing energy expenditure by up to 15%. As a result, the body burns fat faster, contributing to weight loss. In addition, they also help improve physical and mental disposition, being great allies of those who usually practice exercises. Some good options are black pepper, cinnamon, green tea and ginger.

Eat Meals Calmly

Our stomach fills up faster than our brain can process it. That’s why we feel that we are not quenched when we eat very quickly. However, after a few minutes, the nervous system processes these satiety signals, and suddenly we feel that we have eaten too much. To avoid this feeling, try to eat slowly and pay attention to food. Avoid eating in front of the television or while performing another activity.

Learn To Differentiate Hunger From Thirst

Our organism does not know the difference between water and food. So we often think we’re hungry, but we’re thirsty. Before calling for a treat, drink a glass of water and wait a few minutes to assess whether you’re still hungry. In addition, try to ingest adequate water during the day to hydrate the intestine and eliminate accumulated toxins in the body. 

Include Exercise In Your Routine

Regular practice of physical activities is essential to reduce fat accumulation and decrease abdominal circumference. In addition, exercises help prevent a range of cardiovascular and chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension. Start slowly with light exercises, and increase the intensity as you get used to the movements. If the routine is racing, try some modality that can be homemade, and you don’t need a lot of equipment.

Adjust Your Sleep Routine

Several studies indicate that people who sleep less have a greater risk of becoming obese. That’s because sleep increases levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, responsible for regulating appetite and hunger. The less you sleep, the hungrier you will feel throughout the day. In addition, lack of sleep impairs the necessary willingness to exercise. It increases stress levels, making many people resort to foods that release endorphins quickly, such as chocolate.

Consult An Endocrinologist

An important part of the weight loss process is ensuring that all hormones are balanced, as any hormonal imbalance can affect weight loss or gain. Therefore, it is important to consult an endocrinologist to conduct the necessary tests and identify whether the body has some nutritional deficiency. Thus, the nutritionist can adjust the food routine according to the needs of each one.

Also Read: Ten Commandments To Maintain A Healthy Body

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