The 11 Top Foods To Get More Muscle


These muscle-building foods should have a permanent place in your eating plan as they support muscle growth and recovery.

A muscular and well-defined body not only looks beautiful – it is above all healthy. And: Well-trained muscles even use up calories if you don’t do anything. To build muscle, you have to set the right stimuli with your training. At least as necessary, however, is the proper diet. You can only achieve your goals with the right foods.

These Macros Need Your Muscles To Grow

Protein, carbohydrates, and fat – these macronutrients (or macros for short) provide your body with energy, and all three are essential for building muscle. Protein-rich foods, in particular, are a must for successful muscle building. The amino acids in it form the building substance for your muscle fibers and help with regeneration and cellular repair processes. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, ensure that you have plenty of power during exercise to give 100 percent. On the one hand, good fat promotes the absorption of protein; on the other hand, it is of great importance for your metabolism and immune system.

However, our body cannot store proteins (unlike fat and carbohydrates). Consequence: If you eat too little protein or consume too much of it, your muscles will be attacked or even broken down. Therefore, your menu should include foods rich in protein, in combination with high-quality fats and filling carbs. The following foods should thus land on your plate regularly:

Poultry Is Low In Fat And High Protein

With just 1 gram of fat per 100 grams, chicken and turkey breasts are among the lowest-fat protein sources – perfect for athletes and their needs because poultry meat is also very rich in protein and provides around 24 grams of protein per 100 grams. Another plus point: Chicken breasts & Co. are rich in vitamin B6, which is involved in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism and informs essential messenger substances for transmitting stimuli.

Cottage Cheese Provides Your Muscles With Protein

Cottage cheese, also known as grainy cream cheese or cottage cheese, has 13 grams of protein per 100 grams, which allows your muscles to grow properly. You can either spoon it straight, pimp it with fruit, nuts, and honey or turn it into a hearty spread with the help of spices, herbs, and tomato paste.

Cod Is High In Iodine

Cod, also known as cod, is not only rich in protein with 17 grams of protein per 100 grams, it is also very lean with less than 1 percent fat. It also supplies your body with iodine. The trace element is part of your thyroid, which controls the production of proteins and is responsible for cell division.

Nut Butter Provides Healthy Fat

Peanut butter and peanut butter are high in calories and fat, but that’s not a problem since you only eat them in small amounts. Healthy unsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on your health. They increase concentration and ensure that the cell membranes remain flexible and permeable. Nut butter also provides plenty of magnesium and potassium. The two minerals are essential for athletes because they regulate the tension and relaxation of your muscles. Are you not convinced yet? 

Beef As A Source Of Iron

Beef is not only an excellent source of protein. It is also a top source of iron, with around 2.3 milligrams per 100 grams of meat. Vegetables and legumes also contain trace elements, but your body can better absorb and utilize the so-called heme iron from animal foods. Among other things, iron is essential for blood formation and also ensures that the body’s cells are optimally supplied with oxygen.

Eggs Have A High Biological Value

An egg contains an average of 7 grams of protein. The unique thing about it: It has the highest biological value of all foods and forms, so to speak, the “gold standard” with the value 100. This means that your body can produce its protein particularly efficiently from the egg protein. By the way, you don’t have to eat hard-boiled eggs. Try a delicious mushroom omelette or avocado bread with a fried egg. Eggs are so diverse in their preparation that it never gets boring.

Oatmeal Provides Long-Lasting Energy

100 grams of oatmeal provide 370 calories – so they are not precisely low-calorie foods. Nevertheless, they supply the body with complex carbohydrates without putting a strain on them. In contrast to fast carbohydrates, they provide you with energy for a long time and ensure that you do not lose weight while exercising. You can use it as an ingredient in your morning muesli or as a healthy breading for chicken breast.

Cocoa Strengthens Your Immune System

You can find heavily de-oiled cocoa powder in the baking department of every well-stocked supermarket. The brown powder contains many nutrients that are important for the body, including 23 grams of protein per 100 grams. Cocoa also makes you happy; your body releases more endorphins – and they even strengthen your immune system. Just add a few spoons to your protein shake or mix it with low-fat quark.

Potatoes Give You Easily Digestible Energy

Potatoes are low in calories (100 grams of raw potatoes contain 68 calories), but thanks to the starch they have, they keep you full for a long time and provide you with good energy throughout the day. Nevertheless: Instead of french fries and chips, you should eat potatoes as a salad, fried potatoes, baked potatoes, puree or as jacket potatoes. 

Linseed Oil Is High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

linseed oil has the highest content of omega-3 fatty acids: 53 grams per 100 grams. These unsaturated fatty acids are essential for life and must be consumed daily through food because your body cannot produce them. The healthy omega-3 fatty acids ensure that the cholesterol level does not rise too high and thus protect against calcification of the vessels, also known as arteriosclerosis.

Linseed oil is particularly healthy in combination with quark, such as a side dish or dip with jacket potatoes. 

Alcohol-Free Beer Is Isotonic

Alcohol-free beer is an ideal drink for athletes because of its isotonic nature. Isotonic drinks have the same nutrient-to-liquid ratio as human blood. This means that the nutrients can be absorbed and used by your body particularly quickly. Magnesium, sodium, and calcium compensate for the losses through sweating, while the drink provides you with sufficient fluids at the same time.

You can only build muscle efficiently with a balanced fitness diet that supplies your body with protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates, as well as with all the essential micronutrients. These 11 foods should therefore be part of your eating plan.


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