The Main Difficulties In The Weight Loss Process


Many people adopt crazy diets and complex physical exercise routines but still find it difficult to lose weight. In theory, it is enough to consume more calories than are ingested, but unfortunately, the slimming process is more complex. 

There is no simple reason for this problem. The difficulty in losing weight has several causes, depending on the individual, and can be explained both from a nutritional and behavioral point of view.

In this article, we’ll address why some people have such difficulty losing weight, the role of nutritionists in this process, and some tips to help you adopt healthier habits. 

Why Is The Slimming Process So Complicated?

When someone finds it difficult to lose weight even with a balanced diet and regular practice of physical activity, only a medical evaluation will explain the reason. In these cases, body composition should be taken into account, and laboratory tests may indicate whether there is a hormonal change.

Thus, experimenting with techniques and diets one after the other may not do much good, affecting your health. After all, achieving a balanced body weight depends on healthy and appropriate practices for each body.

In this sense, the ideal is to follow a diet that considers the particularities of each individual, always avoiding significant dietary restrictions. This is very important, as completely cutting out some groups of macronutrients throws the diet out of balance and can make it more challenging to follow in the long term.

To help you understand your difficulties, we’ve listed some primary mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. 

Copy Diets

One of the most common mistakes is copying other people’s diets or diets available on the internet. In the case of the internet, it is possible to find several diet options that should be individualized and guided by a professional, as each body responds differently to food consumption.

For example, the low-carb diet, which is very popular on the internet, may work for some people rather than others. In this sense, the ideal food plan is personalized and must be feasible, considering the individual’s preferences and metabolism.

Sleep Little

Not getting enough sleep, about 8 hours a night, can also cause difficulties in the weight loss process, as it is during sleep that more significant amounts of GH and leptin are produced. These hormones stimulate mass muscle gain, increasing metabolism efficiency and burning fat. 

People who sleep little are also more prone to tiredness and stress, which increases the hormone cortisol level in the body, making it difficult to lose weight. Also, a good night’s sleep promotes a more incredible feeling of satiety, which leads us to eat less.


While it’s not a mistake, aging can be one of the reasons why you can’t lose weight. After all, with advancing age, the body spends less energy performing its most basic functions. 

The hormonal changes common to aging, in turn, cause loss of muscle mass, which also slows down metabolism. With this, the body spends less energy, making it difficult to lose weight.

Difficulty Losing Weight: The Mistakes Of Nutritionists

The trained professional to put together the right food plan for each individual is the nutritionist, and, in general, people who do not follow up have more difficulty losing weight. 

However, even nutritionists are subject to errors that can reflect on the patient’s weight loss process. Therefore, patients need to identify when nutritional monitoring does not generate results.

Among the main errors is neglecting important information and techniques, such as tests that help assess patients’ metabolism more accurately. In this sense, professionals must keep up-to-date about technological innovations in the area.

In addition, considering the particularities and tastes of each individual is essential to avoid abandoning diet therapy. However, many professionals need help to identify the demands of patients, which makes treatment adherence difficult.

How Precision Nutrition Can Help 

In addition to the aspects mentioned above, genetic variability among people influences our taste for certain foods and the way our body reacts to them. As a result, scientific advances in nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics have been shown for precision in this sense; the accuracy of nutrition allows for a better understanding of the interaction between genes, nutrients, and the individual’s behavior and the environment. Thus, it is possible to establish personalized nutritional diets for patients based on their genetic predisposition to diseases, for example.

Through precision nutrition, individuals can have a nutritional plan suited to their bodies, promoting weight loss and quality of life. In addition, the exam allows you to avoid diseases even if there are genes related to binge eating, slow metabolism, or predisposition to other conditions. 

Also Read: Foods That Help With Weight Loss

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