This Helps With Sunstroke And Heat Stroke


Children sometimes get too hot without realizing it. This can also be life-threatening. This is how parents protect them from sunstroke and heat stroke.

The sun is beating, not a cloud in the sky. On days like this, the heat becomes too much for many adults. All the more caution is required with babies and toddlers. They are much more sensitive to heat than the big ones, especially when too much sun hits their head and neck. A sunstroke can then be the result.

Children in the first years of life are particularly at risk because they have thinner skull bones and usually less hair. “And it takes about two years for the large fontanel to close properly,”. Ectodermal dysplasia means, among other things, the congenital lack of sweat glands and the ability to sweat, which is why those affected are much more likely to suffer from heatstroke. “Because sweating is the most effective protection against overheating,”.

However, it takes months for a child to develop the ability to sweat fully. Therefore, babies and toddlers are less able to regulate their fluid and heat balance than adults, and they heat up faster, which makes them more susceptible to heatstroke. “They also have a larger head and more skin surface concerning their body,”.

Sunstroke And Heat Stroke Are Often A Case For The Emergency Doctor

In addition, children notice heat damage much too late. The younger the little one is, the more dangerous it is. “With sunstroke and heat stroke, the brain can swell. This can lead to cerebral edema and permanent brain damage,”. “Affected children must be treated immediately by intensive care.”

He and his colleagues repeatedly treat children with dangerous heat damage. Therefore warns of this hazard situations :

Scenario 1: The bathing excursion. Sand and water reflect the sunlight and enhance its effect. Especially when children splash around in the water for a long time, it is easy for them to get too much sun.

Scenario 2: The stroller parked in the sun. “A parasol on the buggy doesn’t do much good. Parents often misjudge that,”.

Scenario 3: The child sleeps in the car. Mom or Dad only goes shopping for a short time. “Such situations lead to life-threatening emergencies!”, Says Illing. When the vehicle is parked in the sun, a child cannot stay in it, regardless of the outside temperature. Even in a moving car without ventilation, children can suffer from heatstroke.

Sun Hats And Sunscreen Are A Must

To prevent it, it is enough to heed a few simple rules. Children should only stay in the sun in summer with a light-colored, wide-brimmed hat that protects their head and neck. This also applies when children play in or around the water. Don’t let your child sleep in the sun. In midsummer between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., small children do not belong in the blazing sun – not even for a few minutes. Bigger ones who play and romp outside can get their heads wet now and then. But they too should take a break in the shade more often. Make sure that the offspring drinks enough, at least half a liter more than expected. A sunscreen with a high sun protection factor protects against sunburn – but not against sunstroke.

But how do parents know if their child has gotten too much sun in the end? And how do you know whether it is sunstroke, heat exhaustion, or heat stroke? The basic rule is: “If the child feels hot, if it is restless or if it behaves conspicuously, then the heat protection has failed,”. What distinguishes the individual phenomena:

Sunstroke – Too Much Sun On The Head And Neck

“With a sunstroke, too much sun on the head and neck irritates the meninges,”. The child often only reacts hours after being in the sun, sometimes only at night. The head is red and hot, the rest of the body is inconspicuous, the child usually does not have a fever. But it suffers from severe headaches. Babies cry loudly and shrilly and do not want to drink anymore. Restlessness, nausea and vomiting, neck pain, and stiffness can also be symptoms. You can read in the box how best to react.

First Aid For Sunstroke: This Is How Parents React Correctly Now

  • Put the child in the shade.
  • Raise your head and upper body with a pillow.
  • Cool your head and neck with cold compresses or cool packs wrapped in towels.
  • If the child is conscious and does not complain of nausea, she is allowed to drink.
  • Stay with the child, calm them down and watch them.
  • If the child passes out, hallucinates, has severe pain, or deteriorates rapidly, you must call the emergency doctor (Tel. 112) immediately.
  • Also, notify the emergency doctor if there is no improvement within 20 minutes despite cooling measures.

Heat Exhaustion – Lack Of Salts And Fluids

Here, a lack of fluid and salt occurs after physical exertion at high temperatures. The child is thirsty and has a dry mouth, and his skin is relatively extraordinary, pale and damp. Place the child in the shade, open tight clothing, and raise their legs. Give him sips of something to drink – preferably mineral water – and pretzels or pretzels to eat. Heatstroke – call the emergency doctor immediately!

“Heatstroke is the most severe, life-threatening form of heat exhaustion. In addition to the lack of fluids, there is also a dangerous build-up of heat,”. The skin is crimson, hot, and dry all over the body. The child has a fever, often over 40 degrees. He breathes shallowly and quickly, vomits or suffers from hallucinations, convulsions, clouded consciousness, or even loss of consciousness. Call the emergency doctor immediately .You give first aid until this is there: Undress the child, put it in the shade, and rub the whole body with damp cloths or cool packs. Only if the child is conscious and does not complain of nausea may it have a drink!


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