MouthWash: This Is Why You Should Gargle With A Mouthwash Every Day


Which mouth rinses help against bad breath, tooth decay, and coronaviruses, and what do you have to pay attention to when using it. Whether against bad breath, to prevent tooth decay and inflammation of the gums, and recently reduce coronaviruses – mouthwash is considered true jack-of-all-trades for oral and dental hygiene. We explain what they can do and what you have to pay attention to find the right product.

What Do I Need Mouthwashes For, What Are They Good For?

“Mouth rinses can support daily oral hygiene,” explains dental hygienist Sylvia Fresmann, 1st chairwoman of the German Society for Dental Hygienists. The rinses help against bad breath, gingivitis (giving it), and the treatment of periodontitis. They reduce bacteria and thus contribute to dental health.

Especially if you are technically unable to optimally clean your teeth with a toothbrush and space brush, if you have sores in your mouth from time to time or if you wear a brace, a mouth rinse is ideal as a supplement.

If you suffer from bad breath, you should ensure that the mouthwash contains zinc acetate and chlorhexidine. “Bad breath is caused by sulfur compounds, which can be neutralized as a result,”.

Can Mouthwashes Whiten Teeth?

Some products contain active Oxygen, but dental expert Fresmann doubts that it will make teeth lighter: “Oxygen regulates and controls harmful bacteria. This is the function that some rinses contain. But in the concentration in which it is found in mouth rinses, it will hardly be able to whiten the teeth. You can only do that mechanically by brushing or whitening in a dental practice. ” If you still want to try it out; Mouthwashes for whiter teeth are, e.g., CB12 white or Gum White.

Can Mouthwash Replace Brushing Your Teeth?

Definitely not. “A rinse is not a substitute for toothbrushes and interstitial brushes, it is only a very good addition,” emphasizes the dental hygienist.

What Mouthwash Solutions Are There?

A distinction is made between rinses for daily use and temporary therapeutic or medical products.

There are many types of mouthwash for everyday use; they differ in their composition and taste. “There are now numerous studies that show that they have a supportive effect on the healing of gum problems,”. After brushing your teeth, they can and should be used twice a day, in the morning and the evening.

Ordinary mouthwash solutions examined by Stiftung Warentest and found to be very good to satisfactory are, for example:

  • CB12 especially for fresh breath
  • Meridol protects mainly against gum problems
  • Elmex is sensitive for sensitive teeth
  • Gum Paroex especially against plaque

Mouthwashes used therapeutically and medically, which a: e dentist: recommends after a tooth extraction, the insertion of an implant, or acute gingivitis, is usually only used for 10 to 14 days. Fresmann: “Therapeutic mouthwashes are more dosed and often contain chlorhexidine, which can result in side effects such as discoloration of the teeth or on the tongue,But the microbiome in the oral cavity, i.e. the ‘good’ bacteria and microorganisms, can also get mixed up. ” Chlorhexamed Forte is an example of the highly effective but only temporarily recommended mouthwashes.

How Do I Get Rid Of Tooth Discoloration From Mouthwashes?

Do not worry. “With professional teeth cleaning, which should be done at least every six months anyway, tooth discoloration can be polished away,” explains Fresmann. By the way: Since July 2021, the health insurance company has been covering the costs of periodontal therapy, including supporting periodontal treatment, for two years. If the health insurance does not cover the treatment, you have to reckon with around 100 euros, a worthwhile investment in your dental health.

Can Mouthwashes Protect Against Coronaviruses?

“Clinical studies have shown that some mouthwashes not only serve dental health, but can also reduce the viral load in the mouth and throat,” says Freshman. Ingredients such as the antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) in conjunction with chlorhexidine can considerably reduce the number of viruses and thus also coronaviruses in the mouth and throat and thus reduce the infectiousness of Sars-CoV-2.

The fewer Sars-CoV-2 viruses you have in your mouth and throat, the less they will get into your body, making it less likely that the disease will develop more seriously. With a lower viral load, you can also pass on fewer viruses via the aerosols when speaking, so you are less contagious. You can find mouthwashes containing CPC in the pharmacy. For example, the CPC protects against Vitis.

A study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases named after laboratory tests the mouthwashes Dequonal and Listerine Cool Mint as helpful in the fight against the multiplication and transmission of Sars-CoV-2 viruses.

Linola’s mouth and throat rinsing proved in its studies that with the help of surfactants and inorganic phosphates, it deactivates up to 90% percent of the coronaviruses by rinsing and gargling.

Necessary: Even if you gargle with mouthwashes (with your head back) and rinse your mouth regularly, it can never protect you 100 percent against infection or the transmission of viruses. You can use it to expand your preventive measures against the coronavirus, but it cannot replace a mask, keeping your distance, and hand hygiene.

What Is The Difference Between Mouthwashes With And Without Alcohol?

Alcohol in mouthwashes has a perfect disinfectant effect. Also, some essential oils in rinses need a drink to be able to be dissolved. “For people who suffer from dry mouth or burning tongues, however, the application is counterproductive,”. Children and dry alcoholics should also avoid mouthwashes containing alcohol.

How Do I Use Correctly?

It is best, and unless otherwise stated on the packaging, to rinse twice a day in the morning and the evening, each time after brushing your teeth. Gargle and rinse for about 30 to 60 seconds, the expert advises.

Are There Disadvantages Or Dangers 

No, says Fresmann: “Basically, all mouthwashes approved for daily use are tested by the authorities according to the rules of the Cosmetics Ordinance and are safe.” The only discoloration of the teeth and tongue can, as described above, occur in individual cases and with prolonged use of therapeutic products.

You should be careful if you have gum inflammation or bleeding and want to cure it yourself with the help of medicated mouthwashes. “Mouthwash can mask symptoms, which can make you feel confused as the disease progresses.” In the event of inflammation and bleeding, you should always contact your: n dentist and have the affected area in the mouth cleaned more thoroughly.

Is Oil Pulling An Alternative To Mouth Rinses?

Yes, regularly “chewing” oils in your mouth and pulling them through your teeth can also be effective in maintaining your teeth and is a worthy alternative to mouthwashes. Fresmann: “Especially people who tend to have a dry mouth and burning tongues will prefer oil because it wets the mucous membranes particularly well.” Anyone who suffers from exposed tooth necks benefits twice because the oil is deposited on the exposed areas and thus gives them protection. You can use special oil for oil pulling and coconut oil, for example, which you also use for cooking. 

Mouthwashes not only benefit your dental health and social life (less lousy breath), you also reduce your risk of infection by viruses. Numerous studies also show that a poor condition of your gums increases your stroke and other health risks. So it’s worth taking care of your dental hygiene. Mouthwashes can make an essential contribution to this.


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