Water Retention: What It Is, What Causes And How To Fight It


All the remedies, the possible causes and the difference with cellulite. Let’s find out all about water retention. It is a widespread problem that affects many women. The body most affected by this imperfection are the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, i.e. where more fat accumulates. Let’s find out everything there is to know about water retention: what it is, what the symptoms are, the difference between cellulite and water retention and the tricks to fight it.

What Is Water Retention, And What Are Its Causes 

Water retention is the body’s tendency to retain and accumulate liquid in the interstitial spaces or spaces between cells. In addition, toxins also stagnate in the body due to impaired circulation and liquids altering cellular metabolism. This stagnation of liquids occurs in specific areas of the body, where fat accumulates to a greater extent, namely the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. 

Among the most frequent causes of  water retention, we point out:

  1. nutrition: a diet too rich in salt, proteins and alcohol, especially if accompanied by poor daily hydration, slows down the diuretic process and promotes the accumulation of fluids;
  2. sedentary lifestyle: it can negatively affect the lymphatic circulation, responsible for the removal of excess fluids and toxins;
  3. overweight:  water retention  does not cause weight gain, but overweight and obesity are conditions that slow down diuresis, thus affecting the stagnation of liquids and favouring the onset of  water retention ;
  4. smoke ;
  5. frequent or excessive consumption of alcoholic and sugary drinks (cocktails, beer, tea, sweetened coffee, fruit juices, etc.);
  6. pregnancy;
  7. wearing tight clothing and high heels, especially if forced to stand for a long time;
  8. birth control pill;
  9. taking certain types of medications such as those against high blood pressure or cortisone;
  10. diseases, pathologies and inflammations 

In any case, a sedentary lifestyle and an unbalanced diet are the leading causes of the formation of water retention. Consequently, to counteract this imperfection, the first thing is to follow a varied and balanced diet, exercise and tone the muscles.

Difference Between Cellulite And Water Retention

Cellulite is a localized deposit of fat that gives rise to an inhomogeneous aesthetic effect on the thighs and buttocks. Water retention is an accumulation of liquids that have not been absorbed.

The main symptoms of water retention are swollen legs and an uneven complexion, often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. A do-it-yourself test to determine if you have retention is to press a finger firmly on the front of the thigh; if after removing the finger, the impression remains visible, there is probably a problem of water retention.

How To Fight 

To combat water retention, it is necessary to pay attention to nutrition and lifestyle.

It is essential to drink enough water (at least 2 litres per day) and prefer foods rich in water, draining and low in sodium to eliminate excess fluids.

Recommended foods are fruits and vegetables such as:

  1. chicory,
  2. radish,
  3. cucumbers
  4. fennel,
  5. apricots, 
  6. strawberries 
  7. melon.

On the other hand, salt, refined sugars, alcoholic beverages, cheeses and cured meats are forbidden, as they contain a lot of fat and a lot of salt. In addition to a healthy diet and sporting activity, it is advisable to avoid increasing cortisol levels, the stress hormone, often the cause of this imperfection.


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