Wellhealthorganic.com : Morning Coffee Tips With No Side Effect


Most of the Coffee lovers start by refreshing their day by having a cup of coffee early in the morning. For most people it’s normal to drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach. It can help some people, but it depends on your individual preferences.

But drinking coffee on an empty stomach or early in the morning can cause digestive issues and other side effects like dehydration, inflammation, increased blood pressure, anxiety issues etc,. The platform Wellhealthorganic.com provides morning coffee tips with no side effects.

Reasons Why You Should Not Have Coffee On Empty Stomach

1. Leads To Indigestion Problems

Having coffee on an empty stomach can lead to indigestion problems. Caffeine content can release stomach acids and enzymes. This slows down the metabolic process which makes your stomach full and causes bloating.

2. Increases Blood Sugar Levels

Having coffee on an empty stomach or early in the morning may lead to significant increase in blood sugar levels. Drinking large amounts of coffee can increase blood sugar levels by causing the release of adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause problems with insulin sensitivity and increase blood sugar levels.

3. Leads To Anxiety Problems

Drinking coffee in the morning can lead to anxiety problems or stress issues. Caffeine, its active ingredient, triggers the release of adrenaline and causes anxiety disorders. In simple terms, consuming too much caffeine can worsen anxiety symptoms by over stimulating the central nervous system and releasing adrenaline.

4. Causes Dehydration

Consuming very large amounts of caffeine early in the morning can lead to significant amounts of fluid loss like sodium and water lost in urine . In simple terms, it increases the urination there by causing our body to lose fluids.

5. Causes Inflammation

Drinking coffee might be connected to inflammation. Caffeine slows down the metabolic process and leads to rise in the count of white blood, disruption in sleep, and boosts insulin levels.

Wellhealthorganic.com : Morning Coffee Tips With No Side Effect

Below are the tips to follow to avoid side effects if you are having coffee early in the morning or with an empty stomach.

Drink A Glass Or Bottle Of Water

According to most health experts, drinking 250ml to 500ml of water to kickstart your day can give you numerous health benefits. One of the main benefits of having a glass of water on an empty stomach will be to hydrate your body and boost metabolism and improve digestion.

Eat Breakfast Before Having Coffee

According to proven studies from experts, having breakfast before the intake of caffeine content can help your digestive system. Experts say that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can have negative effects on digestive discomfort and leads to health problems.

Take Small Portions Of Coffee

It’s very important to take a small amount of Caffeine intake early in the morning as our body produces cortisol hormone after we wake up from our bed. Drinking excess amounts of coffee can disrupt your sleep pattern which may lead to anxiety and stress issues. Moreover, consuming a moderate amount of coffee early in the morning.

Better To Avoid Adding Sugar Or Sweetener To The Coffee

It’s better to avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners to the coffee. Because adding sugar to the coffee can lead to several health problems like diabetes, weight gain and dental cavities, these can reduce the health benefits obtained by coffee.

Add Pinch Of Cinnamon To Your Coffee

According to many proven researches adding a pinch of Cinnamon to your coffee can offer health benefits like as it improves heart health, blood sugar levels, controls cholesterol as it reduces the sweetness and improves the taste of your coffee.

In Summary

Follow the simple steps from “ Wellhealthorganic.com : Morning Coffee Tips With No Side Effect ”. By following these tips provided in the article you can avoid its side effects and gain health benefits by drinking it after having breakfast.

Also Read: Caffeine As A Fat Burner: Coffee Helps You Lose Weight

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