What Are The Benefits? And Risks Of Seeds


They Are Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

On account of their high satisfaction with nutrients, minerals, and fundamental minor components, seeds can work on your wellbeing. By consuming seeds consistently, you will want to load up on:

  1. B-group nutrients (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9) to guarantee the legitimate working of your focal sensory system;
  2. vitamin E to lessen irritation;
  3. phosphorus to ensure the strength of your bones and teeth;
  4. potassium to direct your circulatory strain;
  5. calcium for the legitimate working of your muscles;
  6. magnesium to add to the proper working of your body;
  7. zinc to diminish your skin issues and work with mending;
  8. copper to guarantee the development of hemoglobin;
  9. selenium to help your liver and thyroid wellbeing;
  10. manganese to forestall cell maturing.

They Help With The Proper Functioning Of The Cardiovascular System

Thanks to their content of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, the seeds help ensure the proper functioning of your cardiovascular system. They contain:

  1. omega three and omega 6, which have a protective role on the cardiovascular system and help to reduce bad cholesterol;
  2. magnesium and potassium, which help regulate blood pressure and promote the proper functioning of the heart and arteries;
  3. dietary fiber, which, by playing a role in body weight, contributes to the reduction of cardiovascular disorders;

They Play A Preventive Role Against Certain Cancers

According to several studies, lignans contained in certain varieties of seeds could help reduce the growth of cancer cells. This is particularly the case in the context of hormone-dependent cancers such as breast cancer.

They Are Rich In Fiber

They contain soluble fiber, which helps reduce blood glucose levels, but also insoluble fiber, which promotes good intestinal transit and helps fight constipation. Additionally, because they regulate satiety, the insoluble fiber in seeds may also help with weight loss.

They Help Fight Diabetes

Thanks to the fiber, fatty acids, and phytoestrogens they contain, certain seeds can help better regulate blood sugar levels. This is particularly true for pumpkin, flax, and chia seeds. In addition, according to studies, the zinc and magnesium content that most seeds contain also helps regulate blood sugar levels and, therefore, insulin secretion.

They Are Good Sources Of Vegetable Proteins

Did you know that seeds from plants are excellent sources of plant proteins and essential amino acids? They are, therefore, perfectly suitable for a vegetarian or vegan diet! By consuming seeds regularly, you will assimilate:

  1. 37 g of protein per 100 g of hemp seeds;
  2. 21 g of protein per 100 g of sunflower seeds;
  3. 19 g of protein per 100 g of pumpkin seeds;
  4. 18 g of protein per 100 g of sesame seeds;
  5. 18 g of protein per 100 g of flax seeds;
  6. 17g of protein per 100g of chia seeds

What Risks Are Linked To Their Consumption?

Know that moderate consumption of seeds is safe. However, overconsumption or intolerance to certain roots can cause undesirable effects that should be addressed.

They Can Cause Allergic Reactions

According to several studies, consuming certain seeds such as chia, sesame, squash, or flax can cause allergic reactions. The symptoms are varied: itching the palate or throat, asthma, digestive disorders, eczema flare-ups, etc.

They Could Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

According to several studies, foods rich in alpha-linolenic acid, such as chia or flax seeds, could potentially increase the risk of prostate cancer. However, according to a meta-analysis, the conclusions differ too much from one study to another to draw accurate conclusions.

They Can Lead To Intestinal Inflammation

As in the case of many foods, consuming too many seeds can cause certain intestinal disorders: diarrhea, nausea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, etc. Especially for people who already have an irritated intestinal wall.

They Contain Antinutrients

Antinutrients are substances contained in certain foods, such as seeds, oilseeds, or vegetables, that reduce the ability of the digestive system to assimilate nutrients properly. Although not a concern for most people, people suffering from malnutrition should be wary of these substances, especially if they have a diet based on foods rich in anti-nutrients. Soaking or sprouting seeds is a great way to reduce the amount of antinutrients and, therefore, improve the digestive system’s ability to absorb better the nutrients they contain.

Also Read: Metabolism In Menopause: 5 Tips To Speed It Up

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