What To Take At Night To Get Better Sleep And Lose Weight


Many important factors affect weight loss, the main ones being, as we already know, exercise and diet. But sleep quality also plays a crucial role in weight loss. This leaves you feeling tired, but it can also lead to weight gain.

According to Bridget Murphy, a registered dietitian at NYU Langone Medical Center, “Poor quality sleep is related to weight gain, distorted hormone levels, eating treats the next day, and blood sugar and insulin issues.”

If you don’t meet the recommended amount of 7-9 hours of sleep a night, you could be hampering your weight loss efforts. Murphy reveals some of the best rest and weight loss drinks you can have every night.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a sleep-inducing tea that increases your body’s glycine levels, a neurotransmitter that relaxes your nerves and acts as a mild sedative. Murphy says, “Chamomile has been linked to glucose control and improved weight loss.” She also suggests that you steer clear of caffeine before bed and stay away from detox teas at this time.

Grape Juice

Juices are generally not suggested by nutritionists due to their high sugar content. However, Murphy recommends drinking a small glass of 100% natural grape juice before going to bed to help you sleep better and burn fat at night.

Grape juice is the perfect night drink because it helps with sleep and is also a weight loss agent.

How A Good Night’s Sleep Is Essential For Your Heart

You probably already know that getting a good night’s sleep is essential to wake up vigorously and carry out the day’s activities without excessive sleepiness.

Plus, you probably know that poor sleep encourages weight gain. But are you aware of the damage that poor sleep can have on your heart health?

A statement from the American Heart Association warned that having an irregular sleep pattern is linked to several cardiovascular risk factors. For example, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and coronary artery disease.

However, short sleep appears to be especially dangerous for heart health, according to Harvard Medical School sleep medicine professor Susan Redline.

People who are sleep deprived have higher blood levels of stress hormones and substances that indicate inflammation—harmful factors for cardiovascular health. A single night of insufficient sleep can be detrimental, he added.

In addition, the National Sleep Foundation of the United States has warned that people who do not get enough sleep are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease.

This is regardless of age, weight, exercise habits, and whether or not you smoke.

The Weight Issue

Remember we mentioned that one of the problems with poor sleep is its association with weight gain?

According to the professor, there is solid evidence of a link between insufficient sleep and weight gain.

One theory is that people who sleep little tend to snack more and eat more.

Lack of sleep can also affect the brain’s reward systems, including those that control calorie (energy) intake, judgment and food choice.

Some studies have already pointed out that people who sleep deprivation consume fewer vegetables and prefer sweeter and fatty foods.

What Research Has Shown

Cardiologist Alyson Kelley-Hedgepeth cited a 2020 study examining the relationship between sleep and eating patterns in approximately 500 women.

Participants provided data on the quality of their sleep, the number of hours they slept, whether they had insomnia, and their eating habits.

The researchers observed that those who had the worst sleep quality consumed the most added sugars. Meanwhile, those who had a poor sleep were more likely to overeat and choose unhealthy foods.

In addition, a poor quality diet that can lead to overweight or obesity can also increase the risks of developing cardiovascular disease.

The High Blood Pressure

It is another crucial risk factor for cardiovascular disease, while it may be linked to sleep disturbances.

For example, some people with insomnia people may remain in a psychological state called hyperarousal. It generates anxiety and feeling on edge and can exacerbate blood pressure problems.


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