You Have To Consider These Eight Things To Lose Weight

What matters when you want to lose fat and build muscle? An expert explains which things are essential when losing weight – and how you can easily comply with them.

One of the experts now passes on his knowledge of the right nutritional strategy and effective workouts to his community. The weight-loss expert revealed the eight things it takes to lose weight successfully.

Calorie Deficit

Find out how many calories you need and consume in a day – a calorie calculator will help you with this. 

Once you better understand your needs, the best way to start is to focus on a deficit of 500 fewer calories per day.

It is therefore advisable to monitor calorie intake for two to three weeks. If you don’t see any effect, you can decrease your calorie count by another five percent.

Whole Foods

According to Carter Good, if you want to lose weight, you should focus on whole foods. It is best to choose foods that are made with only one ingredient. This is how you automatically reduce refined carbohydrates and sugar.


You need about 1.6 to 3.6 grams of protein per pound of body weight. The exact value depends on how active you are. The protein supply for the weight loss coach is fundamental to building muscle and thereby losing fat.

Strength Training

Workouts are essential for anyone trying to lose weight. In addition to cardio, strength training also stimulates fat burning, but unfortunately, it is still a deterrent, especially for many women.

Lifting weights is by no means only recommended for men: “Women should train four times a week if possible,” advises fitness trainer 

“Train each muscle twice a week with two rest days between training days,” the expert recommends.

Daily Exercise

Aside from workouts, any exercise is relevant to weight loss success. Anyone who walks 10,000 steps a day is on the right track.

Perseverance Instead Of Perfection

Carter also emphasizes the importance of staying on the ball. Calorie intake and training should not be neglected because a small success has already set in.

If you want to lose weight in the long term, you need a good deal of discipline.


Without taking the time to do it, any attempt to lose weight is doomed to failure.

Training, exercise, preparing food – at first glance, that sounds like a lot of work for an already busy schedule. But investing the time can be worth it.

After a while, you’ll also be so experienced that you won’t get stressed about it in your free time.


You didn’t gain weight overnight, so don’t expect your body to change overnight. It would help if you had patience until you reached your desired weight.

Fast Weight Loss Isn’t Everything

The most important thing is to choose a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle and individual needs – and makes you happy.

“How you lose weight matters more than how quickly you lose it,” Carter writes. “Knowing this, your goal must be to develop a plan that will allow you to eat well and exercise regularly.”